I'm re reading because it's been a long time since I read this and Kaveri's name and attire still makes me feel awkward. I mean I'm not that well versed with Indian history but that's not how men dressed plus Kaveri is more or less a feminine name and it's the name of one of my least favorite teachers from school so that's not something I expected to see here. But fun fact Kaveri is the name of a river in India.
I'm re reading because it's been a long time since I read this and Kaveri's name and attire still makes me feel awkward. I mean I'm not that well versed with Indian history but that's not how men dressed plus Kaveri is more or less a feminine name and it's the name of one of my least favorite teachers from school so that's not something I expected to see here. But fun fact Kaveri is the name of a river in India.