So you guys get that Vald doesn't have a body anymore, right? There can't be a physical three-way.

Okay, that wasn't real. You get that, too, right? People can do all kinds of things in dreams that they can't do in real life. Vald and the demon share one body. There is no other body with which to have a threesome. Vald's consciousness has been expelled from his body, leaving the demon in possession. Unless another body is somehow produced, there isn't going to be a three-way.

I agree :) most likely demon valid is inlove with Havi. Sensei will prob make it work somehow that every1 will have their happy ending ^^;

sorry wrong post

.......but weren't those wings more a transformation of the demon val. Well that was just my impression anyways. Well if I remember correctly val is so cool and what not to the bad guy because he is some kind of perfect meld between human and demon. They coexist well or something and the the reason that happened was havi. the more in sync their love got I think the more he transformed and melded...maybe.
at the last chapter I remember them saying that he cast out all the good parts and kept the part he actually wanted....who's to say the angel good part is actually human? Since they are merged and one being its quite possible the cast out part is part of the demon also.......I mean really when he went all demon ballistic it was because human val killed havi so they are so interconnected that i'm pretty sure they are more and more one being but the bad guy is trying to separate that and make them jealous of each other. pretty much I'm thinking the end result won't be demon val or human val. But that could just be the thought process of a person who doesn't want them to separate. I like them as one character.
*Cries loudly* why didn't she draw that threesome???