This story...

Maliyah January 3, 2021 4:55 am

This story was a whole lotta ass the plot is just trash and they literally are all idiots it was kinda embarrassing reading this IM SORRY IF YALL DONT LIKE MY OPINION BUT honestly 0/10 I literally don’t recommend this at all.. the only reason I kept reading was to see how the ending was gonna turn out after all that stupidness....and it turned out awful LMAOOO IM DISAPPOINTED AND I DONT THINK I EVER REALLY THOUGHT THIS STORY WAS GONNA GET BETTER

    Gucci girl February 27, 2021 8:47 pm

    what manga/manhwa/manhua are you talking about?

    Gucci girl February 27, 2021 8:48 pm

    oh wait you are talking about h-mate? im new to this website i thought those topics were from random manhwas, but you are right, the only thing that made me keep reading it was the good art

    MAL March 9, 2021 9:25 pm
    oh wait you are talking about h-mate? im new to this website i thought those topics were from random manhwas, but you are right, the only thing that made me keep reading it was the good art Gucci girl

    oh it’s alright. yeah the art style was pretty nice but the story was really just sh^t