the problem doesn’t have to be sleeping with too many people, even one person might have a sexually transmitted disease. condoms are important for STDs but also because it is uncomfortable as hell to just drip out. a couple can choose to not wear one, but it’s safer they do until they are official. or have been tested and both came out negative. of course some couples have one test positive and go without one anyway. there are also people who don’t care for the mess. it’s just better to use it, especially for younger people, but yeah. that’s my answer.
what if you just met each other recently and fall inlove with them,started having sex without knowing that the person has HIV/AIDS because they hid it. Still its better be safe than sorry. But they can have sex w/ or w/o condom it's their choice and s*x would be better that way and also they use condoms because if they come inside the ukes tummy will hurt.
I think, it's about trust, for not use the condom. Between straight people i mean !
You can use a condom with your partener in the beginning and a few months of years later, if it's alright between you two, you can make love whitout condom
( im sorry if you dont understand but im french so... )
And between 2 guys, maybe its about pain ? Or about poop lol my best-gay-friend tells me one day, that is painful when the guy cum inside ( whitout condom) and he have to clean up after ( because of a stomachache)
ooohh coucou ^^ je suis francaise aussi (≧∀≦) merci pour l explication!!
i see that its still better to use a condom especially in the early stages of a relationship ^^
desolee il est 1h30 du matin ca fait des heures que je lis des mangas en anglais j arrive plus a m exprimer en fancais haha thank you for answering!
Omg i'm safe !!!!
J'ai tellement galéré à l'écrit pour expliquer ce que je voulais te dire
La première personne s'en est chargé a ma place haha
Oui c'est toujours mieux d'utiliser un préservatif au début de ta relation notamment pour le VIH et pour ne pas être pregnant... tu commences à l'enlever une fois que tu as bien établie une relation avec ton ou ta partenaire et surtout quand tu as totalement confiance !!! Be careful !!
Haha pareil je cherche même mes mots en français
You're welcome !!!!
C'est compliqué maintenant lol à mon époque ( j'ai 26 ans lol ) on parlait de ces choses là au lycée ou même au collège sans problèmes mais maintenant je sais pas comment ça se passe tu obtiendras plus de réponses sur les sites ou ici qu'en vrai mdrrrrr
Ouiiii mais c'est tellement bien mdr le 3/4 des mots on ne les a jamais appris en cours de toute maniere mdrrr
Happy new Year ! Take care !!! Bonne nuiiiiit
Ooohhh, je ne peux pas trop te dire comment ca se passe de nos jours car ca fait 5 ans que je suis au cned donc il me manque bcp d infos je suis en terminale cette année et je t´ai tutoyer direct j´espère que c´est pas un problème, je deviens parano avec l´accent qu´ils mettent sur les ¨honorifics¨ dans les mangas et manhwas
Uiiiiii j´ai l´impression que 6 mois sur ce site m´en a plus appris sur l´anglais courant que toute une scolarité !! bon t´apprends un paquet d´injures aussi mais c´est important de les connaitre aussi hahah
Merciii pour la conversation (≧∀≦) bonne journéeee
hiii so i have a question and its really genuine like its because i dont know and wanna know ^^
so in yaoi or in real life, is it really that important to use a condom? i understand for omegaverse not to get pregnant, for straight s*x not to get pregnant and there is also the problem of HIV/sexually transmissible diseases but if both people know they havent been sleeping with anyone else for exemple, would s*x with these two people still require a condom?
like those diseases can be transmitted if you sleep/have slept with ¨many¨ people right? or not? so lets say two people really like each other and have just not been sleeping with anyone, would a condom still be absolutely mandatory?