please reconsider, y'all

seyenteen January 7, 2021 10:41 am

i can't believe some of you people are actually sympathizing with jihyun. that's... honestly not good. he is a r*pist and a toxic abuser, the both of which clearly shown and confirmed by the author. yes, he had a shitty father. yes, he had a shitty past.

but the past is not an excuse for actions in the present, and there are consequences to every action. he doesn't deserve chiwoo after what he did to him--as a lover, as a friend, or as anything else. and although he has matured some, he still clearly doesn't understand that. chiwoo gave jihyun so many chances, and he fucked up every single one. chiwoo doesn't have to forgive him for the rest of their lives or the next.

what they do deserve is to heal and grow into happier people, just far, far away from each other. the victim blaming of chiwoo and pretty privilege for jihyun is very real, and very scary.

and before you people start raving about them being fictional characters, there is a not fictional thing called parasocial/character bonding. humans can form bonds with fictional characters, and actually empathize and have real feelings for them. if you are really sympathizing for a fictional r*pist, please consider your real-life perspectives and how they're affected.

    seyenteen January 2, 2021 9:35 pm

    i'm sorry for writing an essay in a damb comment section if you got through that, hooray! i'm gonna go outside and touch some fucking grass.

    RogueWolf January 8, 2021 6:42 am

    Wow, the first person with a sense in the comment section. I can't believe that there are people in comments that are justifying r*pe and toxic relationship just because the person involved is pretty or has shitty background. And honestly that makes me worry, cause a lot of them say 'it's just a fiction so it is okay to like and sympathize with r*pist'. It's scary that anyone can see r*pe as something irrelevant in any case.

    arii January 23, 2021 12:26 am

    The whole story I literally protected Jihyun by saying oh yeah he had a shitty and abusive childhood so obviously he grews up to be abusive too but I literally didn’t realized the WHOLE TIME that he wasn’t just aggressive towards chiwon but also RAPED HIM??? I DIDN‘T get that?? I think most people here symphathizing with Jihyun maybe also are dumb as me and didn’t get the raping part bc it was not really clear yk?? I think the author shouldve made it that more obvious.. But yeah in conclusion now I hate Jihyun and he can go to hell