How the hell can you redeem this shitty character named Seungho who has not only physicall...

Rae January 2, 2021 6:21 pm

How the hell can you redeem this shitty character named Seungho who has not only physically and sexually abused a person how supposedly loves but threatens to cut up Nakyum's sister and feed her to the pigs? How the fuck do you redeem that?

    PinkBoo January 2, 2021 6:30 pm

    Holy shit! Thank you for the mini spoiler... I was going to comment (in general) that I will only start reading this again (stopped at ch. when Nakyum returned from kidnapping/rape) if things get better. I keep reading comments to judge, but yours is the one that gives an exact example as to why this is still not readable. Honestly, not sure if I will ever pick this up and that is sad. Thanks again though! Happy late New Year!