Feminine Wiles

Anoni Grrl September 26, 2015 1:48 pm

If Ai were to start hitting on Aki (or using her big eyed, too cute, "Help me you big strong man--I'm just a girl and I can't solve my own problems!" crap to pull him closer and try to bind him into a relationship because she says she needs him.), do you think he would let her down gently, or would he brush her off with the same tactless oblivion he shows everyone who is into him who is not Asami? It is true she is his friend, so I think he would try to be nice. However, Aki doesn't seem to be good at emotional cues or conversations. He may mean to be nice but say something a woman would find harsh. I wonder if Asami would find it funny, or if Ai would find herself on a movie set halfway around the world?

    INeedYaoiToSurvive September 26, 2015 3:22 pm

    I think Aki would gently refuse her. He may try his hardest and if he says something to offend Ai, it would be kinda funny, lol. He doesn't like the clingy type. At times, I think Aki can't properly express his feelings only towards Asami because Aki gets confused due to Asami and there is a lot of lack of communication. So in case of Ai he may convey his thoughts properly. As for Asami, I would like to see his reaction. Asami may observe the situation and would observe how Aki deals with it. I'm pretty sure Asami wouldn't like Ai as he doesn't like weak, attention seekers. He likes strong people. But Asami would let him deal with it himself.

    Anoni Grrl September 26, 2015 3:29 pm
    I think Aki would gently refuse her. He may try his hardest and if he says something to offend Ai, it would be kinda funny, lol. He doesn't like the clingy type. At times, I think Aki can't properly express hi... INeedYaoiToSurvive

    You may be right. I think for most of us it is easier to communicate when we have less to lose (potentially). That's why it's hard to trust words that come too easily. If they are so easy to say, how important can they be?

    I do think there could be a very funny scene of Ai throwing herself at Aki and Aki missing every cue until he finally gets it and then tells her, sorry, I am already with someone. I could then see Ai flouncing off in a huff like Miss Piggy (the classic Muppet Show Miss Piggy, not the travesty Piggy in The Muppets which recently aired).

    INeedYaoiToSurvive September 26, 2015 3:36 pm
    You may be right. I think for most of us it is easier to communicate when we have less to lose (potentially). That's why it's hard to trust words that come too easily. If they are so easy to say, how important ... Anoni Grrl

    Lol, now that's an image I can't get out of my head! xD If Ai starts throwing herself at Aki, Asami may act like I don't need this shit and he may let Aki deal with it. Well if Asami gets jealous, I'm pretty sure, he would have sex with Aki over and over and remind him, 'You belong to me, you can't escape and there is no one else who can satisfy you except for me'

    Reality bites September 26, 2015 4:17 pm

    when has Takaba shown tactless behavior in the manga to other people or not good at emotional cues or conversations because look at his interactions with Fei long during his captivity. He was able to bargain with him. using emotional cues and conversations. Takaba is a people person. although you don't see them Kou and Takato were(are) his friends. Maybe you mean he may fall for the come on the wiles of a female ?

    Anoni Grrl September 26, 2015 7:48 pm
    when has Takaba shown tactless behavior in the manga to other people or not good at emotional cues or conversations because look at his interactions with Fei long during his captivity. He was able to bargain wi... @Reality bites

    Aki has the tendency to say whatever he is thinking. It's not a question of wanting to hurt people, and he doesn't have mean thoughts as a rule, but he doesn't stop to think much. He'll say things like "Hey you,glasses guy, come join us." Aki is being open and friendly, but it it doesn't occur to him that "glasses guy" and "Hey you" may not be the best way to make an invitation. When Aki first meets Kuroda, the first thing Aki says is "District Attorney? I didn't do anything illegal." which is not exactly smooth. Similarly, when he finds Aya/Mayu, he has no clue that saying "I had no idea I'd find you working in a place like this so casually." might piss her off--even when she says that impolite guests will be asked to leave.

    Aki's charm is in his pure good will and unspoiled honesty--not in his ability to pick up on emotional cues and use tact.

    Anoni Grrl September 26, 2015 7:58 pm
    when has Takaba shown tactless behavior in the manga to other people or not good at emotional cues or conversations because look at his interactions with Fei long during his captivity. He was able to bargain wi... @Reality bites

    I don't mean to pick on your post, but I also had a thought about Aki's time with Fei . Aki is not using emotional cues and bargaining with Fei. Fei becomes fond of for Aki's spirit and natural kindness--not because Aki has a silver tongue or manipulated anything on purpose,but because over time Fei gets to know Aki and sees Aki's better aspects. Aki never bargains with Fei. Aki tries to get away once, sees it is pointless, and then Aki makes the best of things. Later, Aki tells Asami "All I could do was wait for you." Aki wasn't using tact and emotional cues to purposefully work Fei--that would probably have backfired on someone like Fei. Fei began to like Aki because Aki is so genuine and unguarded. The flip-side of that, is that Aki sometimes lacks tact and misses emotional cues.

    Anoni Grrl September 26, 2015 8:40 pm

    Okay, for sake of clarification, here one way I see the scene going (though it is not the only way it could go—and I don’t write fanfic so do not expect too much).

    Ai: Oh Takaba, you are so brave. Thank you so much for finding my friend. I feel so much better now.
    Aki: It was nothing. Anybody would have done it.
    Ai: I do not think so. I think you are wonderful. How can I ever make it up to you?
    Aki: Don’t worry about it. I’m always here to help a friend.
    Ai: It’s so hot in here. Do you mind if I take off my sweater.
    Aki: No problem. Do you want me to turn on the air-conditioning?
    Ai: *Taking off sweater and coming closer* Don’t bother. But it’s so nice to have a man here to fix those sorts of things for me. *Puts hand on his arm and smiles shyly*
    Aki: No Sweat. Always glad to help out.
    AI: You are always helping people. Are you sure I can’t do something for you? *Stroking his arm and looking up into his eyes*
    Aki: Well, if you really want to you could let me have some exclusive photos of your next project. It would be great to get a scoop. But I don’t want to take advantage of you.
    Ai: I don’t mind, if it’s you. But don’t you want something else? *Bats lashes*
    Aki: I can’t think of anything.
    Ai: What was that? *Jumps into his arms* Someone’s out there. Hold me.
    Aki: I didn’t hear anything. *disentangles himself* You stay here and I’ll check it out.
    Ai: No, stay with me. I’m sure it’s just nerves. Please Takaba, just stay the night with me. I’ll make sure you have a good time.
    Aki: Great. Then you go make the popcorn and I’ll find some zombie movies on TV.
    Ai: *Exasperated* Look, I don’t want to watch zombie movies. I want to have sex. With you.
    Aki:*Laughing* Ai stop joking like that. People may think you really are a slut.
    Ai: What? You think I am a slut because I want to have sex with you?
    AKi: *Taken aback* No, no, I mean I never thought of having sex with you. You are my friend, you know, comfortable like an old pair of sneakers.
    Ai: First you call me a slut and then you compare me to a pair of smelly old sneakers!
    Aki: What, no, what I mean is I could never think of you that way. To me, you are sexless.
    AI: Go home Tabaka.
    Aki: But…
    Ai: Get Out!!!

    Aki would then show up for his exclusive photo shoot at her next project, and have no idea why she has him kicked out.

    Anonymous September 26, 2015 8:42 pm

    I think part if it would be that Akihito would be flabbergasted IF he figured out she was hitting on him when he is just trying to help a friend. Akihito even offered to go with Sudoh to talk to Asami when he was tied up. He jumped in front of Asami's gun when he gave Fei Long the deed. Akihito is a very caring (if somewhat naive) person.

    Anon September 26, 2015 9:13 pm
    Okay, for sake of clarification, here one way I see the scene going (though it is not the only way it could go—and I don’t write fanfic so do not expect too much).Ai: Oh Takaba, you are so brave. Thank you... Anoni Grrl

    Didn't this kind of already happen? I mean, short of her directly asking for sex. In chapter 33, she's all "Takaba-kun is so brave! Maybe I should live with you! You'd protect me!" She's batting her lashes and even blushing but Aki just laughs it off and mutters about the "inconsiderate person" who is causing him trouble.

    Anoni Grrl September 26, 2015 9:24 pm
    Didn't this kind of already happen? I mean, short of her directly asking for sex. In chapter 33, she's all "Takaba-kun is so brave! Maybe I should live with you! You'd protect me!" She's batting her lashes and ... @Anon

    I think so. Maybe Ai got the hint and will never take it farther.

    Reality bites September 26, 2015 11:26 pm

    @Anoni Grrl I don't feel picked on. We are having a free and open disc. We are not being rude ,it's okay to disagree.Instead of the word manipulation I should have used the word influence., which he does have just by being himself. I don't see him the way you do that's fine.

    Anoni Grrl September 27, 2015 3:34 am
    @Anoni Grrl I don't feel picked on. We are having a free and open disc. We are not being rude ,it's okay to disagree.Instead of the word manipulation I should have used the word influence., which he does have ... @Reality bites

    Oh I agree that Aki has influence. I don't think even Aki is aware of how much influence he may have.

    Reality bites September 27, 2015 5:19 am

    Agree with Anony. I would like to add one thing. Some one told me lately that love is like finding the right cup coffee. it;s made just for your taste buds. You have to have That coffee made that way or it does not taste right. Takaba has found his brand He can't see any body else but Asami. Poor Ai she better hope he does not find out. hahahah.Siberia is cold.