female lead

happy-sama January 2, 2021 4:44 pm

I dont really like her... I mean ı understand why she's lying but she never thinks that she dont have any money... Girl you are going lunch with them and you know its gonna be expensive why still going tho? so annoying ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ

    Minakushi January 6, 2021 5:52 pm

    ye i agreed

    Song Ah July 17, 2021 3:49 am

    This always happens, FL or ML thinks about the outcome of something before they actually do it.Like I mean they stress on things dat have yet to come.I think when she met Ji-Eun with Yu-Ri she should have just syraight up told them it was just in the heat of the moment or I was just joking about living there.Sorry I mislead you,Now knowing how Ji-Eun and Yu-Ri are they are understanding we obviously don't know that nor does she,and the saying goes don't judge a book by its cover,But seeing how they helped her out from the situation she was in meant that they were at least good people because they didn't know her so what evil intent couod they possibly be hiding right?And upon seeing how Yu-Ri is so innocent, he don't see that he was about to be robbed,just means that she was in safe grounds.So I came upon these comments explaining why we shouldn't hate The FL I can't seem to actually agree with them because even if you actually come from such a poor household or family,and that you'd be scared of what people think,still don't excuse the fact that you judged to quickly.Cause like das lit what she did the FIRST time she met Yu-Ri if y'alls recall it.So like I feel like even if its because of her backings and where she was raised even so she shouldn't have cause its not like the people in her university are any different either.Now if I were to be in that kinda situation I wouldn't want it to go any further and become a huge problem so I'd spill it even if it cost meh.Seeing as how she was bullied because of where she came from I DON'T think that many people would actually blame it on her and people might as well sympathize with her.Then again you don't how people are until you get to know them.But ye I like our FL but I feel this kinda trope is getting old and annoying.I have my doubts but I just HOPE the Misunderstanding the FL brought upon her self will be revealed in time and it won't be the main conflict