Why Nakyum

Rottenfujoshija January 2, 2021 3:23 pm

Why doesn't he just tell him the truth? Everything thats happening now is as a result of a misunderstanding. Im sure Seunngho would believe you because that guy was openly hostile towards Nakyum so its not strange to think someone would want to hurt him. And when you think of when he left it was when they were in a real good place. There is absolutely nothing that guy can do to him at this point, and i dont think he would hurt him. He may have threatened him, but he was masked the entire time so its not like he saw their faces. I hope things get cleared up soon

    YoaiLover January 2, 2021 3:37 pm

    Um it’s not nakyum fault that he was kidnapped and someone told him the if he tells he would and I think a smart person would put the pieces together like nakyum laying in snow crying with his clothes jack up, second the bruises on nakyum body, third the doctor and the sevrent literally said that he might of run away, and lastly as you can see seungho what even listen to nakyum cause he told the truth about his sister but he still didn’t listen so what makes you think that he will listen to about him being kidnapped