so i just started reading

Night January 2, 2021 2:49 pm

but im confused is Noah a boy or a girl? and can you explain the situation a bit b/t Noah and the white head guy.

    onlystraightforoikawa January 2, 2021 3:20 pm

    Noah is a girl, the author accidentally assumed and used the wrong pronouns. As for the white haired man, I think they were both soldiers and always had a thing with each other but he had a problem because she wasn't committed to him. So basically they both like each other but both have so many side hoes.

    rose January 2, 2021 3:21 pm

    Noah is a small chested girl and she's Bi. She seems to have a preference for girls, but the white haired guy is the guy she seems to have seriously fallen for and vice versa. She also seems to prefer presenting as masculine, pants over dresses, but I don't think it goes as far as being trans. More like being a Butch lesbian.

    Even though their relationship started off as just buddies in the army together, (who I assume would go pick up chicks together, since they were both players) they eventually fell in love and now they've decided to commit to each other.

    This meant both of them had to break it off with all their fuck buddies/girlfriends. Noah just took longer with hers. White Haired guy, being in the same boat, was understanding, but impatient. He wouldn't sleep with her until they were both exclusive. The whole situation with her family sped up their getting together, but the process of it all was already ongoing.