Damn... couldn’t lyn and the Empress just be friends for once...

Lani3a January 2, 2021 12:45 am

Didn’t read any spoilers...Yet!!! But just based off of that look (Lyn) she gave her servant after noticing the Emperor’s reaction to the empress. I realized I’m in for the same old troupe of trust and betrayal. Not that I will stop reading but I really hoped it Lyn didn’t switch up. How you go from raising someone/not seeing them as a man to all of a sudden jealousy because his attention is else where for a moment. Then there’s also the fact that; although she was hurt did she not see the empress coming to her defense right away to see what happened to her after she fell. Now Just based off of that simple “deal” she made with the emperor about something she rightfully deserves she suddenly questions the empresses friendship or whatever...
Anyway I just wished they could of stayed as friends. Now on top of all of the empresses other problems she got to add this chick to the list. Right after she almost wrote her off. Smh I already feel like I know what lyns storyline will be.. but imma read

    Karina January 2, 2021 1:43 am

    Umm... I didn't read any spoilers either, but the empress and Lyn are still good friends... Lyn gave that look at the servant because she was mad that the servant was talking shit about her bestfriend lol

    Serafina January 2, 2021 5:33 am

    I don’t see that at all honestly. Lyn got mad at her servant or maid lady, that’s the mean look I’ve only seen Lyn got. Plus Lyn got mad at the servant because she was trash talking the Empress. During the interrogation of the Concubines too, Lyn still seemed to see the Empress as a good friend.

    Lani3a January 4, 2021 11:23 am
    I don’t see that at all honestly. Lyn got mad at her servant or maid lady, that’s the mean look I’ve only seen Lyn got. Plus Lyn got mad at the servant because she was trash talking the Empress. During th... Serafina

    All I will say is the “faith” you guys have in this character... It’s admirable, but... there’s been too many side characters like her in these types of books. An many of them rarely ever stray far from the very similar path. But hey we’ll see as the story continues