This comment section is as hilarious as always

Terry January 1, 2021 10:12 pm

I love how some readers pretend that Seungho is still a redeemable character and if he will show Nakyum the bare minimum of humanity everything is alright.

    BAKAAJ January 1, 2021 11:48 pm


    inkcollector January 1, 2021 11:53 pm

    I love how some people think sick people doesn't deserve a chance to heal

    Terry January 2, 2021 12:00 am
    I love how some people think sick people doesn't deserve a chance to heal inkcollector

    Are u for real? Personal trips over fictional characters and generalisations taken from thin air?

    We are talking about killer, abuser and rapist, who doesn't respect anyone. There are some things which shouldn't be forgiven and overlooked.

    Nakyum is his victim. There is nothing at this point he can do to redeem himself enough to creat relationship with NK.

    inkcollector January 2, 2021 1:06 am
    Are u for real? Personal trips over fictional characters and generalisations taken from thin air? We are talking about killer, abuser and rapist, who doesn't respect anyone. There are some things which shouldn'... Terry

    I'm so sorry that you took it personally, perhaps I did word it badly.
    Redemption is relative though, isn't it?
    I don't believe SH doesn't deserve to heal and find happiness. Of course, you're right, what he did can't be overlooked. And just the bare minimum wouldn't be enough. But why can't it be a story about a twisted personality who turned his life around?
    Or I should say two individuals, because NK needs to heal just as much, if not more.

    Terry January 2, 2021 10:01 am
    I'm so sorry that you took it personally, perhaps I did word it badly.Redemption is relative though, isn't it?I don't believe SH doesn't deserve to heal and find happiness. Of course, you're right, what he did ... inkcollector

    Imo it would be a naive, unrealistic fairy tail how love healed a horrible man with severe mental issues and with tragic past.

    Seungho can have some development. I'm not denying him the chance to change on some level. But just not with someone he wronged on such astronomical level? Their love story would be totally unbelievable and grotesque after everything that happened between them.
    What Seungho represents doesn't even look like love (tbh there wasn't even a one meaningful conversation (not monologue) between them through the whole story)...more like some obsession. You just don't treat someone you supposedly love like that.

    And imo after what we have seen, SH changing in 180 degree would be a just unrealistic. After what we have seen (his repetitive violent actions) tbh any bigger change would be rather unbelievable.

    All in all I don't find the writing of this story so good at this point. It had potential but author chose never ending rape (and sex) scenes instead of plotline. There are so many interesting threads but the main focus is on nearly the same scenes over and over again.

    inkcollector January 2, 2021 11:29 am
    Imo it would be a naive, unrealistic fairy tail how love healed a horrible man with severe mental issues and with tragic past.Seungho can have some development. I'm not denying him the chance to change on some ... Terry

    Wait, what are you expecting to happen then other than the unrealistic fairy tail? Because I can see one of the two scenarios here, either Nakyum gets out and be free from all the torture and suffering, or he chooses to stay with SH despite everything, and then maybe from there they can actually start caring for each other, however toxic and twisted the beginning was.

    I agree that SH's action is really despicable right now. Especially after that confession, everyone must have high hopes that he would finally do the right thing for once, and we're all so pissed that he didn't. But I'm starting to think maybe if he did a flip there, that would actually be more unrealistic, given the nature of his character and his current relationship with NK. And he hasn't even confronted his trauma yet.

    As for author's emphasis on the lengthy sex scenes? It's a commercial decision. I've seen too many authors do it that it's not surprising anymore. Does it cheapen the story? Yeah, at least for me. But authors gotta make a living and sadly this is what sells. And if you want plot other than sex, you just have to wait longer to get it.

    Terry January 2, 2021 12:00 pm
    Wait, what are you expecting to happen then other than the unrealistic fairy tail? Because I can see one of the two scenarios here, either Nakyum gets out and be free from all the torture and suffering, or he c... inkcollector

    I would probably prefer anything beside the "romance" between them. It's the most unrealistic, unhealthy and FOR ME distasteful, boring ending we've seen time after time in BL stories (although with his actions SH can compete with the worst MLs out there).

    Oh I would cackle if SH had a mind-blowing flip but still the "supposed character development" everyone wants to see so much is cosmetic at this point.

    Tbh I've seen many complaints from both English and Korean fans about the scratched to the maximum sex scenes but idk if it had any reflection on actual sales.

    inkcollector January 2, 2021 1:37 pm
    I would probably prefer anything beside the "romance" between them. It's the most unrealistic, unhealthy and FOR ME distasteful, boring ending we've seen time after time in BL stories (although with his actions... Terry

    If they can face their traumas before getting to the romance bit that'd be ideal. But that'd also be too much of a madeup story, at least for me.

    This is a very slow burn. I guess we either like the pace or we don't.

    Yeah well, as long as the demand is there, the smut will always a big chunk of the story. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍