Omg, it actually pisses me off to see Patrizia soften towards this guy. And why??? He never did anything for her. He only ever talks about shit that concerns him and she listens to his self pity filled monologues. So what did he actually do? He married her sister and treated her like shit. He executed her and her entire family for “treason” to finally marry his lady love. That was his goal in the first timeline and it’s still his goal in this timeline as well. And I don’t believe that her sister did anything to deserve this treatment. He already laid out his plans in the new timeline by choosing a barren bride. That was his decision, not that of the mistress. There was a reason the last challenge for the contestants was changed to that of physical health by him. He wanted the worst. And what’s worse than a barren empress?! So I never understood why he was so shaken up for suspecting his mistress of hiring an assassin to get rid of Patrizia. It might have not been his direct plan and would have been messy, but in the end that’s what he wanted anyways. Patrizia did so much for him I’m not surprised he’s all confused. She held back, couldn’t give a fig if he banged his whore. She saved the banquet. She saved his life by almost sacrificing herself. She took over the emperor’s duties splendidly. She stayed with him the night he had a nervous breakdown. She (for some reason) cries for this fool’s tragic backstory. What does he do to return the favor? Nothing. He actually does everything to show her that he doesn’t care. After the trial he went back to his mistress who he didn’t reprimand for her aggressive actions. He’s only subdued and the mistress notices this. So of course she would continue to scheme around to bring both their plan to fruition. Patrizia sees them hanging out after all this shit. Why is she softening towards the snake that wants to kill her? That actually killed her and her family in the past timeline? I thought she wanted revenge on both of them? Now only the mistress because she feels sorry for Lucio’s past but not the past of the mistress? This webtoon started out strong but it’s faltering now.

Lol. I also can’t wait for her to find out and cut this loser out. Seeing him grovel will be exquisite to visit. But yeah, I don’t know how I’m going to react when she starts to soften towards this bastard again.
I’m not sure if this is true but I read this before in the comments. He will soften Patrizia up with food ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍
Seriously???? Patrizia witnessed his assholery personally in the first timeline. She’s seen her sister probably unhappy for years before the emperor decided to chop her and her family’s heads off. Patrizia herself seen the self satisfied expressions on Lucio’s and his mistress’ faces. She comes back all strong, planning to revenge her sister and family in the new timeline. She has to deal with this self satisfied cow while the emperor continues to keep a log lodged in his ass. She saved his life because she’s not an asshole and backstabber. What I don’t understand, why does she soften up in the first place here? Because of him crying about his childhood? Personally that wouldn’t touch my sympathy at all if my enemy would tell me something like that. Not after everything that happened. And I posted this in another comment where I thought that her sobbing for him comes out of nowhere and is just a ploy by the author to move the relationship along. It also happens shortly after the trial, where the mistress got off almost scot free. Patrizia sees him continuing on with his mistress like nothing happened. That’s a slap in the face. If he didn’t believe her then that’s fine but this would also lead a person to harden themself towards such a prick even more. If he actually believes her then that makes him culpable in what the mistress will do to Patrizia later. He’s the emperor and could easily keep her in line to not act out and continue to play the long game. You know, the plan to get rid of her because she’s barren. Anyways, if it’s really food that softens Patrizia towards this POS, I will probably be done as well.
What I find hilarious. The author deploys the “tragic past” trope to make Lucio appear all pitiful. Which is an attempt by the author to make us forget that Lucio holds accountability for his actions, especially when we see him wallowing in his self pity and see the MC pitying him too, so is trying to pull on our heartstrings. The author also deploys the same trope for the mistress, but because she’s a go getter (who was promised to become Queen), and is extremely enterprising with her personal campaign and won’t wallow in bouts of self pity, she suddenly holds all the accountability for everything. I see her being ripped to pieces in the comment section by people who at the same excuse Lucio. I don’t get it. They both suck! And he more so because he’s weak and doesn’t do anything ever.
Im sorry but why is the emperor narrating his mistress’ private trauma to the empress?? First, why should Patrizia give a crap? He knows there is bad blood between all of them. His mistress hired an assassin for fucks sake, and he knows that the empress is convinced of this (he only suspects if its true I suppose). Second, why would Lucio think it’s appropriate for him to share what his mistress told him in confidence with someone else? I’m sorry to say it but as a character the mistress is more compelling than the inconsistency Lucio displays throughout the whole story. And that says something because her present self is more or less an almost one dimensional antagonist. He’s just wishy washy as hell about everything.
And as much as I can’t stand the mistress with her bullshit, I also can’t stand when people talk like Lucio is some innocent flower who got manipulated like he holds no accountability at all. They both met as teens and bonded through sharing their traumatizing pasts with each other. They fed each other’s need for revenge and selfishness because they were victims of people’s selfish actions towards them. Everybody is harping on her how dare she want to be Queen and such, but Lucio also wants her to be his Queen. He told her so while rolling around in bed with her. He had to marry for political reasons and chose a bride that was barren and not the best in the contest so he could get rid of her more easily. The mistress acts all high and mighty because Lucio promotes her entitlement as he already sees her as his Queen. They are both assholes but the mistress is at least steadfast in her desires and plans. Lucio is all over the place. He knew this bint for years and had no problems with her behavior. They had the same goals. Making her empress by using a girl who is barren to get her out of the picture without too much fuss and backlash. Suddenly he’s all shook up about his mistress behavior and I have to wonder why. Probably because he stopped seeing Patrizia as a stepping stone but as a human being. That’s all fine if his feelings have changed but why is he not keeping his mistress in line to keep Patrizia safe? He could easily do this, but he’s not doing anything at all. He only cries and wails about his past and the past of his mistress to the woman they want to get rid off.
I wouldn’t be surprised if this webtoon will lay all the fault on the mistress to make Lucio look like an acceptable love interest to Patrizia but I’m sorry, I just can’t stand him as he’s the source for all of Patrizia’s problems with the mistress only being a symptom.