honestly I had to scroll through 40 pages of opinions with spoilers mixed in to grasp a little bit of what was going on. honestly skimmed a lot so I don't have a whole play by play so from what I understand
- YULAN IS THE ML and he proposed to her (thats as far as I know on that)
- The manga really toned down things
- The novel is generally really dark and honestly a tragedy. rereading the abuse Violett went through is so awful and the toll and trauma it takes on her is truly sad
- at what point MJ decides she likes Yulan
-Yulan hates MJ and her whole family obviously
- Yulan tells off MJ about the abuse Vio suffered and MJ is shocked (idk)
-Yulan and Marin(the maid) are both in love with Vio and yandere
-Vio at some point realizes her feelings for Yulan during a breakdown :/
- the grandfather treats Vio properly (tbh don't know where he was this whole time while Vio is constantly suffering)
- at one point Grandfather summons Vio's dad not sure what they talked about but probably about Vio
-Vio's dad comes home furious and violent and starts beating Vio. Vio can't even get up and MJ blocks the dad and Vio barely manages to crawl away
-she escapes to some place she and Yulan used to go to and Yulan looks and finds her
-Vio is extremely destroyed and basically lost her will to live. I think she saysdshe wants to die
- Yulan proposes to her and I think is gonna try to really protect her now. Yulan seems to have kind of stood back a lot from I've seen but i'm not sure
- I didn't see what goes on after that
tbh hope the dad suffers horribly because WTF. Vio's parents were horribly abusive to her her whole life. and her stepmom is a homewrecker who looked away while Vio was abused. and MJ is just stupid idk wtf is wrong with her
anyway since the spoilers were super confusing for me I'm gonna actually try to read the novel and I will start a new thread and summarize everything there at a later point there's 100+ chapters so I need some time. I'll notify anyone following this thread when I start a new one:) wish me luck I don't cry my eyes out
┗( T﹏T )┛

Daymmm--now datt's a lott!
Firstly,I'd like to thank ya tonss haru (个﹏个) well,the thing I wanted to know da extreme most was 'bout Yulan as ML,about datt,thanks for da info mate-- 'N NOW DATT IS SOME REAL PLOT TWISTY novel we have but yeah,sounds interesting ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ I just despise all of her fam--be it step mommy,dad or MJ ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ Wish ya luck,don't ball your eyes out 'n dun forget to notify us hoomans

The sister needs to rot in hell. Everyone in the ml family is going straight to hell along with the prince and his butler. I hate the butler more then the prince cause the mf is trying to force the ml and prince into a relashionship and we can clearly see the fl isn't into him. Also have you noticed that the sister in both lives has chosen people the ml clearly has feeling for? First the prince and now Yulen smh
I swear someone said Yulan was the ML but I can't remember.
so.I looked back through the comments and I'll try to collect as many spoilers here as I can
so from what I saw
-Yulan was the one who turned back time and he remembers the first timeline(i can't remember if we knew that already and I don't wanna go back and reread)