They all sus

Ican'tsleep January 1, 2021 9:02 am

-idk any of their names sorry lmfao-
I don't think the reporter is the stalker, he seems too dumb/clumsy. Plus I think that would be way too obvious. He might know something tho. I don't think it's the bodyguard, but he does seem too nice. Also, why would the bodyguard wanna sleep with him if he's only been with girls, they basically just met too. I kinda think it's the waiter, he gives off sus vibes. He could be jealous because he's a better writer. Honestly it could be anyone or someone that hasn't been introduced yet.....

    Nibby January 1, 2021 3:08 pm

    I think Stalker that waiter

    Queen88 January 1, 2021 4:00 pm
    I think Stalker that waiter Nibby

    ME TOO

    anika January 2, 2021 12:51 am

    ‘Also, why would the bodyguard wanna sleep with him if he's only been with girls, they basically just met too.’ Hunny you got a big storm coming from like 80% of bl’s

    Ican'tsleep January 2, 2021 1:25 am
    ‘Also, why would the bodyguard wanna sleep with him if he's only been with girls, they basically just met too.’ Hunny you got a big storm coming from like 80% of bl’s anika

    True, that does happen a lot lol