Excuse me but need i remind you Michi also cheated...at this point in the manga i think it's fair for us to understand how each and every character feels and not play favourites with Michi bcoz her story was the 1st we read...yes You-chan is guilty for cheating but he did regret it and tried to totally forget about the other girl...it was his way of making it up to Michi... it's the same with Michi...she ended things with Niina but that ended up hurting both of them...
Well that's exactly the reason why people here refuse to see You-chan's pov in the story ...i'm not hating on Michi or Niina but...both Michi's husband and Niina's wife have a reasonable story on why they are the way they are ...but ofc people refuse to see that just bcoz we have always seen their pov in the entire manga upto now...
Nahhh...i do care...well Michi certainly would have known about his personality, his habits, his empathetic nature beforehand but she still got married... it's not even like she was forced ...she clearly loves/loved him...just the part of their lack of intimacy in a relationship worries her...n all the complications as she sees it is bcoz of their lack of intimacy
Yeah I get what you are tryna say but nobody gives a f about You-chan and the fact that you are implying Michi also has some faults in their broken relationship baffles me like wut?
Also most of the people here don't wanna go deep into that fucker's character.Why?because we just don't want to
And nope even if he was the main character and the story was written from his pov,most of the people would have still talked shit about him including myself
Have you read Dear Sachan?That story was written from the guy's pov.He was also a cheater and this story is pretty similar to that one but did anyone give a fuck about him? Nope no one did because he didn't deserve it just like Youchan here
If you read the story from the cheater's side you are bound to feel more sad for the other party who's getting cheated not the one doing it unless you are psycho that is
I'm in no way saying that miichi is innocent, heck emotional cheating is also a form of cheating. But from a perspective that miichi has tried many times to wait and slowly coax you-chan into opening up at least emotionally a bit more by planning trips, etc only to be met with him responding in the manner that he has in this chapter is a letdown
god you-chan is those pieces of shits I never want to meet in real life. Dude is feeling fucking guilty about cheating and he knows he's in the wrong yet is gaslighting Miichi into thinking it's her who's at fault for putting pressure on him.
I hope Miichi grows a bone unlike most women in similar situations sadly and realizes it and drops his ass.