All the people making excuses for rape or trying to justify it/blame the victim are fuckin...

koi feather December 31, 2020 7:48 pm

All the people making excuses for rape or trying to justify it/blame the victim are fucking terrifying oh my God get them away those are some sick fucking minds

"She's a succubus so it isn't rape" "oh yeah consent totally means just feeling good then don't need to say yes or anything" "its not rape?? Its just fiction" "she didn't physically rape them so its fine"


Lmfao help me im scared im scared

Its fine to like the manga, I personally find it interesting but please?? Stop trying to justify rape or claim that it isn't. It is. Please. Get help. You're mind fucked, and not in a good way. You can read a non con manga and still be against rape oh my god guys

Also all these whiny ass bitches be like "omg nooo all these comments are ruining my reading experience how DARE you remind me that rape is bad :("

LMFAO??? heLLO?????? Get help.

Yall I'm scared the rape supporters are gonna rant in the replies lmfao get me out

    CaiChiCat December 31, 2020 8:20 pm

    I personally didn't find it to be rape yet at the same time it was, because the characters themselves fantasized them being fricked by tot strangers which is an actual thing im sure, most people that like those type of stories fantasize themselves as the one being taken advantage of. Like, its fucked up but like, does it count as rape? Its honestly confusing, like, oh I want to be raped yet...they are consenting to it? So its not rape? Yet it is? Its freaking CONFUSING

    CaiChiCat December 31, 2020 8:21 pm
    I personally didn't find it to be rape yet at the same time it was, because the characters themselves fantasized them being fricked by tot strangers which is an actual thing im sure, most people that like those... CaiChiCat

    I realized how many times I used "like" and I do not like it........oh my god I used it again ヽ(`Д´)ノ

    potatomilktea December 31, 2020 9:06 pm

    You’re right, it’s still rape just fictional rape. Real life morals and logic doesn’t always have to apply to works like this (PWP hentai). I understand people who feel the need to defend something like they like but some arguments aren’t it lol

    I do find “dark” content interesting within the realms of fiction - but as you said that doesn’t mean people should justify it by making it sound like it’s okay IRL

    Perhaps some people are just bad at wording their reasonings ;;

    koi feather January 1, 2021 12:24 am
    I personally didn't find it to be rape yet at the same time it was, because the characters themselves fantasized them being fricked by tot strangers which is an actual thing im sure, most people that like those... CaiChiCat

    It doesn't mean it's automatically not rape because the person fantasized about it. Rape is sex without consent. Fantasies aren't a sign of consent.

    For example---if someone has suicidal thoughts and someone else kills them because "they wanted to die so I'm just fulfilling that desire", it's still murder. No matter how much you want to die, it doesn't invalidate the fact that someone killed you without your consent.

    Even if they had wanted to be taken advantage of, it was never something they requested until mentally manipulated to want it, in which case they were not sober/clear-minded enough to be able to give consent.

    A desire doesn't equal instant permission to go through fulfilling it. Literally take any person who wants to at some point have sex---if someone pulled them into a back alley and fucked them under the pretense of "well you wanted sex" it's literally still rape. Under the logic of "if they wanted it at some point then it can't be rape", then only asexual people can be raped, since everyone else may have wanted sex at some point.

    Point blank, rape is the absence of consent. There was no consent. Therefore, it was rape. Simple.

    Sangwoosmexy January 1, 2021 1:38 am

    Ok personally I only agree with you half way yes rape is wrong especially in rl but a demon who was created to only have sex to survive not only that a demon who doesn't care about u but herself so she doesn't care for consent, rape is bad irl and fictional rape is still bad but it's cuz it's focusing on sexual fantasy so it's mostly aimed at those who enjoy this not only that we have to draw the line between fiction and reality cuz if people start judging what they read they'll start judging what movies and TV shows they like, American horror story is bad cuz it's got so much gore and other stuff but it's a TV show yet somethings in that TV show really happened but people enjoy it.....rape is still bad and it's wrong either way but if it has warnings and or a succubi known all over the world for being a sex demon I suggest not to read for the faint-hearted people I hope this sorta explained a bit

    CaiChiCat January 1, 2021 7:07 am
    It doesn't mean it's automatically not rape because the person fantasized about it. Rape is sex without consent. Fantasies aren't a sign of consent.For example---if someone has suicidal thoughts and someone els... koi feather

    I know I'm just saying that TECHNICALLY they consented ... sort of, its hard to explain. I condone all of this even though thats their fetish and all that.

    koi feather January 4, 2021 12:58 am
    I know I'm just saying that TECHNICALLY they consented ... sort of, its hard to explain. I condone all of this even though thats their fetish and all that. CaiChiCat

    If the consent is so muddy that you have to throw in a "technically", then i find it extremely hard to approve.

    I repeat myself since it doesn't seem I have made it clear. Liking something doesn't, in any fucking way shape or form, result in consent to have that happen.

    Someone could have a fetish for public sex. If someone else went up to them and fucked them in public with the stupid ass excuse you're giving me of "well it was your kink" does not mean shit. They're a rapist. And apparently that's what you're condoning. If its oh so hard to explain why its not rape, you've lost all credibility.

    Oh my fucking God lmao

    CaiChiCat January 5, 2021 4:20 am

    I just found out what the fetish is! Its public surprise sex with strangers.