She will... she is mentaly unstable due to her childhood of the father favoring a comcubine over her ill mother... so the bedriden mother was forced to raise her alone, and the comcubine had all the maids. The mother couldnt love her as she was ill and pained by watching her husband loving the comcubine and their child.
Also an ex comcubine kidnaps her and ties her to a tree they set ablaze "burning her to death", tho she lives she is burned form elbows and all the way down with sever scaring.. She fakes her death as she sees herself as damages and if he couldnt love her as a flower how could he love her as a burnt stub.
Ml is an ashole... he loves her but dosnt love her, he longs for her yet dosnt want her.. and so forth so when he thinks he has lost her.. he goes menta and tries to kill himself.. only for his ppl to have to give im halucigenic drugs to keep him sane and he sees all comcubines he sleeps with as her.
He learns shes alive and goes to se her, but what he finds is a beautiful kind older sister like FL who is kind to children and yet hides her own pain to prevent the kids form woying. Ml realices it was the toxic palace enviroment that made her a poisonus flower in order to live... and leaves.
He dies, she learns of his death and runs to the palace and passes out at the door. She sees him and he welcomes her into his arms aka she died at the door from exaution.

The f. It's like love-hate relationship. So... what happened to that chu(?) princess? Did the emperor respond to her feelings or just a so-what?
This really made me emotional. I wanna cry T^T to be respected/authoritative person, you have to hide your emotion and put up a front as wiched person. But that does not justify her unreasonable punishment towards her subjects. Hayst.... Huwag nyo kong i-stress!!

90% of the maids she punished, were eitehr spies sent by other concubine or looked down on her or smack talked her. Also a way to punish the concubines is to harm their maids. Same for her, her maids were also targeted and hurt, thats part of life in the palace.. it didnt help that the Emperor showed distain for her and opely disliked her = other comcubines thought they could bully her but ended up hurt them selved. She is called the Poisonus Flower because it you try something it is your own doom. The same with new cuoncubines entering the palace.. there are ranks and Fl is on the higher end so when a new enters and acts entitles they are put in their place. Thats just how it is in the palace. They dont show it but when she firts entered she was targeted by other concubines because of the Emperors "dislike for her" and several of her asigned maids vanished. When enquired about the other concubines Laughed and said "maby they went home?" only for un identifieable corpese to be found later..
I want hyeobi to get severely hurt/die so we can all see eon's hurt reaction