This Is Gonna Be A Big Rant/Vent

Offensive Oxygen December 31, 2020 4:03 pm

Someone said that Mr. Han is raping him when that isn't even true and is honestly fucked up to call it rape. Param consented to it once he started to kiss Mr. Han back. He wasn't trying to push him off after they kissed, and if Param didn't want to do it with Mr. Han he didn't need to go somewhere more private with Mr. Han. He could've insisted that he didn't want to. But he gave permission just by going along with Mr. Han. Calling it rape is messed up when there are actual rape scenes in other manga where the main characters legit beg and plead the whole time for it to stop and are forced into it. PARAM CHOSE TO SLEEP WITH MR. HAN. HE WAS NOT FORCED INTO IT.

I'm legit tired of seeing all the hate that Mr. Han gets just because he's interfering with people's OTP.

I don't recall Param ever saying "I want to be your boyfriend". Going on a date that's literally his first actual date doesn't mean they're automatically boyfriends now. Param wanted to try testing the waters to see if he wanted to be involved with Hwi romantically or not. Hwi knew exactly what he was getting himself into when he decided to pursue Param despite knowing that Param still has a crush on Mr. Han.

And I think everyone forgets that in the early chapters when Param first goes to the gym Hwi is touching him inappropriately when Param is telling him to stop and didn't consent to being touched the way Hwi was touching him. I swear, everyone here holds Hwi on a pedestal when the guy legit blackmailed Param into getting physical with him. Hwi was toying with him, he even explicitly states that he's able to toy with him in one of the chapters. If you're gonna treat Mr. Han like a manipulative villain of some sort, at the very least hold Hwi to the same standard.

Hwi even calls him a pervert and sick minded. He constantly makes fun of his sexual drive and not in a "we're on good terms so it's a light hearted joke" sort of way, but more in a "fuck you I don't like you" way. He manipulates Param into thinking that it's something he can never overcome and the only way he can deal with it is if he has sex with him as means of "exercising". If Hwi didn't think actual exercise was going to help him, shouldn't he have directed him to going to a doctor instead? You know, a medical professional that can help aid him in handling his sexual drive professionally instead of just fucking him and calling it a day? He's outright rude and doesn't consider Param's feelings at first because he saw him as a cooperate asshole.

I'm not saying Mr. Han is a saint, because him giving Param mixed signals at first was fucked up. But Hwi is not a saint either, and I'm tired of people acting like he is. I don't care if I get a ton of dislikes, I just needed to get this out there.

    KingLoopy December 31, 2020 4:10 pm


    SiJ December 31, 2020 4:13 pm

    I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks this way. I’m not really on either side because they are both jerks in my opinion. I just hope whoever he chooses actually treats him well.

    Nijina December 31, 2020 4:15 pm

    Thank you for saying it loud!

    Roughy~>w< December 31, 2020 4:15 pm


    Angie December 31, 2020 4:18 pm

    Exactly. Thank you for such reasonable, objective comment.

    Offensive Oxygen December 31, 2020 4:24 pm

    I'm honestly surprised this got received so well, bless y'all, I have faith in humanity again