Yaoi kinks?

Rei-Rei-Chan!!! September 21, 2015 8:48 pm

I know we all have our kinks when it comes to our yaoi. I guess mine are kind of tame when I think about it (lol)... I like fingering and the uke being on top. What does it for you guys? ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    helix September 21, 2015 9:15 pm

    It's a bit embarrassing, but oh well...
    I like sumata and doggy style ;_; (I know- boring)

    ~ VampireQueen ~ September 21, 2015 9:18 pm

    Too many to count!

    Id have to say heavy make-out scenes, sometimes they can be hotter than the smex scenes themselves! <3

    Rei-Rei-Chan!!! September 21, 2015 9:25 pm
    It's a bit embarrassing, but oh well...I like sumata and doggy style ;_; (I know- boring) helix

    I know... I paused for a long time before I actually posted that. ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄ lol But I want to know what everyone else likes, too. I don't think yours are boring. I love doggy-style. (And sumata is best when the uke is all sweet and innocent and like, "No, no, no!" And we're all like, "Yes, yes, yes!")

    Rei-Rei-Chan!!! September 21, 2015 9:26 pm
    Too many to count!Id have to say heavy make-out scenes, sometimes they can be hotter than the smex scenes themselves! <3 ~ VampireQueen ~

    Totally agree! There's one make-out scene in a manga called Dog Style that I just stared at for a while because it was so sexy and so well-drawn...

    helix September 21, 2015 9:52 pm
    Totally agree! There's one make-out scene in a manga called Dog Style that I just stared at for a while because it was so sexy and so well-drawn... Rei-Rei-Chan!!!

    I absolutely love Dog Style! It's one of the best yaois ever.
    Tbh it's hard to remember all the kinks that make me excited, it also depends on the author. E.g. I love sex scenes in Miyamoto Kano's mangas- they're almost shounen-aish (I mean not very explicit), but somehow I find them better than your typical smut...

    Rei-Rei-Chan!!! September 21, 2015 10:16 pm
    I absolutely love Dog Style! It's one of the best yaois ever. Tbh it's hard to remember all the kinks that make me excited, it also depends on the author. E.g. I love sex scenes in Miyamoto Kano's mangas- they'... helix

    Right? I love it! It's very underrated, or rather, not as popular as it should be. I've read most of Motoni Modoru's work and loved it, mostly because there's actual substance to it and it's not just generic fluff. Plus, I just love the unique artistic style. That's so funny that you mentioned Miyamoto Kano, because I just started getting into his/her work. There's SOOO much! What's your favorite?

    k_brooks13 September 21, 2015 10:22 pm

    Biting. Not like mean abusive biting where blood's drawn but like when the seme bites the ukes ear, or gently scrapes teeth along skin...there's some in beast feast, katekyo...among others

    Rei-Rei-Chan!!! September 21, 2015 10:28 pm
    Biting. Not like mean abusive biting where blood's drawn but like when the seme bites the ukes ear, or gently scrapes teeth along skin...there's some in beast feast, katekyo...among others k_brooks13

    Yes! My ears are super sensitive and I love it when the seme nibbles on the uke's ears.... Speaking of Akira Norikazu, the seme in Hachimitsu Darling is like one of my all-time faves... Idk why... Maybe I'm weird... But he's just so sexy to me... lol

    helix September 21, 2015 10:33 pm
    Right? I love it! It's very underrated, or rather, not as popular as it should be. I've read most of Motoni Modoru's work and loved it, mostly because there's actual substance to it and it's not just generic fl... Rei-Rei-Chan!!!

    I agree, Motoni Modoru is just marvelous. I also love Verklarte Nacht, so Transfigured Night was an amazing read to me ^^

    I can't choose my one favourite from Miyamoto Kano's works. I think Calling would be my type, but Nemureru Tsuki and Amayakana Toge are also great. Right now I'm in the middle of (re)reading Rules (the series). I've never actually read the whole series, but Rules (the manga) was one of my first yaois and the very first from M.K., so I feel a bit sentimental about it... So yeah, I just can't pick one ( ̄∇ ̄")

    Rei-Rei-Chan!!! September 21, 2015 10:50 pm
    I agree, Motoni Modoru is just marvelous. I also love Verklarte Nacht, so Transfigured Night was an amazing read to me ^^I can't choose my one favourite from Miyamoto Kano's works. I think Calling would be my t... helix

    Nemureru Tsuki is the one I was going to read next. (I also have an incest kink) lol I might switch to Calling before that, though... I have to look into Rules. Haven't read that, yet, either... There's just so much! Thank-you for the recommendations. ヾ(☆▽☆)

    helix September 21, 2015 11:07 pm
    Nemureru Tsuki is the one I was going to read next. (I also have an incest kink) lol I might switch to Calling before that, though... I have to look into Rules. Haven't read that, yet, either... There's just so... Rei-Rei-Chan!!!

    No problem, although I'm not sure if you're gonna like it. I recommended Rules to someone once and that person didn't like it, so I'm a bit anxious.

    If you still want to read it- it's better to check out the timeline first (it's not necessary, but you may be able to understand some parts better), bc she tends to make a lot of djs, side stories, spin-offs etc. However I read Rules first (and it's like almost the last part of this series) and it's ok too.

    Rei-Rei-Chan!!! September 21, 2015 11:11 pm
    No problem, although I'm not sure if you're gonna like it. I recommended Rules to someone once and that person didn't like it, so I'm a bit anxious.If you still want to read it- it's better to check out the tim... helix

    Well, I've noticed that you and I have similar taste and I'm rather open-minded about my yaoi, so no worries. ;-)

    k_brooks13 September 21, 2015 11:13 pm
    Yes! My ears are super sensitive and I love it when the seme nibbles on the uke's ears.... Speaking of Akira Norikazu, the seme in Hachimitsu Darling is like one of my all-time faves... Idk why... Maybe I'm wei... Rei-Rei-Chan!!!

    Only read Hachimitsu Darling once but I adored it. Its been on my re-read list for a while. I also liked beast feast a lot. Seme was sexy. Not sure what it is but I adore her artwork. I think its the way she draws eyebrows I decided.

    Rei-Rei-Chan!!! September 21, 2015 11:24 pm

    Right?! I did the same thing. Only read it once but loved it. The cat! It was so cute... Beast Feast's seme was sexy, too. That hair... lol (I love longish-haired seme... Ever since Ai No Kusabi) I know what you mean about the eyebrows. It's always the little nuances in the art that make it memorable for me. I like the way Kanda Neko does eyes and eyebrows, especially in Puchitto Hajiketa...

    helix September 21, 2015 11:31 pm
    Only read Hachimitsu Darling once but I adored it. Its been on my re-read list for a while. I also liked beast feast a lot. Seme was sexy. Not sure what it is but I adore her artwork. I think its the way s... k_brooks13

    Oh my, Akira Norikazu's semes are sooo hot (▰˘◡˘▰) And the ukes are cute, but not girly.
    I agree about the eyes and eyebrows, too damn sexy. That reminds me of Katsubou no Manazashi (another hot seme IMO)

    k_brooks13 September 21, 2015 11:35 pm
    Oh my, Akira Norikazu's semes are sooo hot (▰˘◡˘▰) And the ukes are cute, but not girly.I agree about the eyes and eyebrows, too damn sexy. That reminds me of Katsubou no Manazashi (another hot seme IMO... helix

    yeah manly semes are always extra hot. And I tend to have thing for older men...not that that's worked out so wonderfully for me....but yeah I love yakuza semes and weirdly enough hairdresser semes...sorta the opposite direction there...

    Rei-Rei-Chan!!! September 21, 2015 11:36 pm
    Oh my, Akira Norikazu's semes are sooo hot (▰˘◡˘▰) And the ukes are cute, but not girly.I agree about the eyes and eyebrows, too damn sexy. That reminds me of Katsubou no Manazashi (another hot seme IMO... helix

    Thank-you! Someone else that doesn't like overly feminine uke. It's okay every now and then, but meh.... There are a couple in Ootsuki Miu's works that I don't mind... I just looked up Katsubou no Manazashi. Those eyebrows! lol I must read this...

    Rei-Rei-Chan!!! September 21, 2015 11:41 pm
    yeah manly semes are always extra hot. And I tend to have thing for older men...not that that's worked out so wonderfully for me....but yeah I love yakuza semes and weirdly enough hairdresser semes...sorta the... k_brooks13

    lol! I love that combination. That cracked me up. But don't worry. I like older men, too. I've dabbled with younger men... But no. Manly seme are where it's at, though... The kind that just ooze masculinity... Yummm... lol

    helix September 21, 2015 11:45 pm
    yeah manly semes are always extra hot. And I tend to have thing for older men...not that that's worked out so wonderfully for me....but yeah I love yakuza semes and weirdly enough hairdresser semes...sorta the... k_brooks13

    I think I have a sorta oyaji kink too ^^ I like older and mature men be it in yaoi on in RL. (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ Chin up, real men can be jerks, that's why I prefer 2D characters ;_;

    Oh, I so love yakuza semes, well yakuza/mafia theme in general. But I'm not sure if I know any hairdresser seme...

    k_brooks13 September 21, 2015 11:47 pm
    lol! I love that combination. That cracked me up. But don't worry. I like older men, too. I've dabbled with younger men... But no. Manly seme are where it's at, though... The kind that just ooze masculinity... ... Rei-Rei-Chan!!!

    yeah yum...and I've always liked older men but weirdly enough my first boyfriend was 3 years younger, the next...thing the dude was 16 years older...I sorta question my life choices with both of those