i hate when the manga is licensed because...

Lady P0ny September 21, 2015 6:45 pm

because I'm from Brasil, and this is licensed in the USA, which means I can't buy this when I want (and if I buy it online, my dearest country will make me pay taxes: 60% of the value of the product). So I think that it must have a way for me to read, I really get the licensed thing and shit, but it's not licensed in my country, so it's sad that I may never read the end of this story. By the way, Brasil editors never work with yaoi, the only manga that it was ALMOST yaoi and was translated here was Gravitation. So congrats for the americans who can buy this freely. And people from outside of the USA: I get your pain =/

    Maria September 21, 2015 7:44 pm

    Exactly. I'm glad someone else understands. Here in Portugal they never release yaoi or shounen ai either. They've only released a couple of manga and they're all shounen or really popular shit. I hope some kind soul makes summaries (though I'll understand if nobody does). For now I'll keep buying the magazines and volumes in Japanese whenever I can.

    Lady P0ny September 21, 2015 8:30 pm

    Maria, I just read a comment here saying that this manga may be released in digital form for 6$, which can be paid with paypal. so we can have a little bit of hope! This was we can at least finish reading this manga, cause I don't think I can sleep peacefully without knowing the end of this manga! (⊙…⊙ )

    Lady P0ny September 21, 2015 8:31 pm

    correction: *this way we can at least