Uhmm, Hwi had been telling Param how he felt tho, Param knew exactly how Hwi feels for him and was even starting to want Hwi getting horny solely because of him. Also, Param said so himself that he likes someone else (other than Han) and HE KNEW himself that what he and Han did was wrong, hence why he got soooo guilty when he went on the date with Hwi and their date got ruined.
He may have not done it on purpose, but he did hurt Hwi. He may not be the only one to blame, but he played a part also (a big part). So he really isn’t innocent.

Also, he could’ve just stopped but didn’t. Let’s face it, Param wasn’t thinking with his head..he used his other head and that was his biggest mistake. And now he’s sooo regretting what he did because *SPOILER*
He wants Hwi, but Hwi never contacted him again after telling Param that they shouldn’t mert ever again.

He gave in, but that's not proper consent. He had to be told that he likes Mr Han to actually go through with it. If you're using someone's feelings against them to make them give in, that's taking advantage of them. What he was doing wasn't wrong anyways. He isn't in a relationship with Hwi. He and Hwi are only sex friends.
I reread everything, and I concluded that Param isn't at fault. This rant is only to defend Param, since I don't believe he's in the wrong.
We never see Hwi and Param confirm their feelings for each other. He's not hurting Hwi purposefully, nor do they have a personal relationship - they're only sex friends.
As for the 'Date' I thought it was the start of their relationship, but it's completely different. Dating is more open, you can explore your choices. However, a relationship, you're committed to each other. Param is allowed to date other people, he isn't cheating.
Param can't be blamed for 'choosing' Mr Han either. In the last two chapters, we see Param reject him multiple times. Maybe if a certain someone understood what rejection means, they wouldn't use their sad sob backstory to excuse his behaviour, and manipulate Param.