You talk about the shame they should feel for "uploading over" you as it would denigrate your hard work, but don't even acknowledge the hard work they put into their scans. I'm sure we all agree that horribly translated scans should never go beyond personal use, but to "claim" a manga/webtoon/manwha that isn't yours to begin with is rather conceited and rude to any other viable team that might be working on this that might post exclusively on this site. I get that you made a topic--it's good to cover your bases--and there really isn't a polite way to say "back off", but I feel that if some other team does just a good a job as you guys (which you guys do a great job, so by no means am I saying otherwise) you should just let it go. It's rather petty to do otherwise. Besides, if you have so much going on with other scanlations, it should be a welcome relief for another responsible team to help out. Its just pointless to be mad over losing a race, you know? Either way, your efforts are very much appreciated by all of us and don't take on too much. Its not worth the stress.
Look, I get what you're saying. But nonetheless, our scanlation team clearly stated that we would be taking over this manhwa since the previous scanlation team dropped it and approved of us taking over. This has already happened to us before, and we would really appreciate it if it doesn't happen again. Also, I did clearly state that I appreciated and admired the effort the person put into the upload and I still do. I get that readers are eager to read the recent chapters of this manhwa, and I'm not gonna lie, I would want the uploaders to hurry up too if I were in their shoes, but it's always quality over quantity (not tryna be rude). I understand that the person who worked on this must've worked hard, but what about our hard work? Our scanlation team put a lot of effort into this manhwa (collection of raws, translation, cleaning, typesetting, proofreading etc.), and it would hurt us if our hard work went to waste when this person uploaded over us without regard of our feelings. But nonetheless, we will be uploading this manhwa soon. Thank you!
Hey guys, I'm part of the scanlation team that's currently working on this project. I get that we're behind on schedule for uploading the recent chapters of Even If You Don't Love Me, but keep in mind we do have other projects we work on as well as our personal lives. Since it's the holidays, our scanlation team can't guarantee a fast update for you lovely readers. Also, for the person who uploaded over us, please don't. I and the scanlation team would really appreciate it if you didn't. We put a post under the topic section that we were claiming this project and for someone who contributes to working on this manhwa, it would be a shame if our hard work were to go to waste. I admire your effort in translating this, but it would be best if you could just leave it to our scanlation team as we always make sure our uploads are to the best quality. Thank you!