not of a fan of how they made in her not kill anyone in the end

masticatious December 31, 2020 10:48 am

especially after all that bravado she gave about it. its kind of stale how all these FL's never do anything even slightly immoral, they are all these perfect goddesses. only the ML's get to be complex characters without needing to be merciful or likable. I'm pretty sure the prince has been aware of her gender since the beginning too (hence all the physical contact) its more likely the case.. then believe a guy who's been married to like 8 different woman before was gay. with how confident she is about him really not suspecting anything about her story or physical differences (lack of adams apple btw) she's kind of more naive then I thought.

    Popcrazy December 31, 2020 10:55 am

    I know what you mean. I'd like to see more morally grey protagonists, that would be nice. kind of grown sick of all these goodie goodie, holier then thou, princess types. ( ̄∇ ̄")

    kazz January 1, 2021 10:34 am
    I know what you mean. I'd like to see more morally grey protagonists, that would be nice. kind of grown sick of all these goodie goodie, holier then thou, princess types. ( ̄∇ ̄") Popcrazy
    Well this one is real bad ass female lead, my goddess Pauliana!!

    anon January 1, 2021 9:09 pm this one is real bad ass female lead, my goddess Pauliana!! kazz

    I love love lovve pauliana and how she is NOT an effeminate character and how she doesnt magically transform into this femme fatale when she wears a dress, and the fact that she doesnt hide her gender

    anon January 1, 2021 9:13 pm

    yea man, i really would have loved if they gave some more depth as to why she couldnt kill, like maybe her father strongly old her not to or maybe her mom was killed, or maybe she witnessed a murder OR SOMETHING SOLID TO JUSTIFY HER NOT KILLING, and not just plain old "i WoNt KiLl Cz ItS BaD". it is really contradictory when she goes around slashing people and saying "this is what i was born to do" and NOT FREAKING KILL A COUPLE OF ASSHATS, although i hope she kills that constance bitch

    Lemon January 2, 2021 10:33 am

    Y’all have valid points, but she’s had the privilege of not having to kill anyone so far, and she’ll probably be like that for a while until it fucks her over.

    Like, she chose her life to be peaceful, she chose to remain as the city guard instead of going out and risking her life and killing. And that’s her privilege cause she’s powerful enough to do so.

    But I’d also like to see her kill some bitches that need it