That sempai in the second story could have screwed up everything, just by keeping quiet. H...

amimie December 31, 2020 9:20 am

That sempai in the second story could have screwed up everything, just by keeping quiet.
He confused them in the beginning leading them in a bind and then "benevolently" tied up everything together.
If he really wanted to help them, he could have just advised them to be sincere with their emotions.
But he clearly had his own motives. He made the black hair nearly cut off ties with his crush, to try and win him over when he was psychologically weak.
And thank god, the black haired guy did not fall for him at that time. The sempai then said it was a joke, and finally, gave up.
It was cheer manipulation. That person is so detedtable.
Do finally get it you all.
He only knows how to make himself look cool, by "generously" helping them at the end. At most, it's only serving his own ego. He was totally defeated by their love.
And now they should feel thankful to him??? Seriously!!
I so hate those kinds of people...
