
chu December 30, 2020 7:14 pm

im so sad for Gabriel. I've felt that before, being rejected by close friends just because I'm not straight?? it hurts the most when it's the people who you trust who do that..... i hope they can keep on being good friends :( sorry for venting this just hits close to home..

    MistyBH December 30, 2020 8:45 pm

    Sometimes its not about the fuck that you are not straight but the fact that you didn't told them sooner or they might have their own reasons. For me when my friend came out to one of my friends qnd not me I felt really sad, like wtf am I not trustworthy enough? What I did respect his decisions and just continue being a friend, one day he might introduce his Bf to me and Im ready with "Im happy for you, since the beginning."

    chu January 1, 2021 6:01 pm
    Sometimes its not about the fuck that you are not straight but the fact that you didn't told them sooner or they might have their own reasons. For me when my friend came out to one of my friends qnd not me I fe... MistyBH

    you're absolutely right!! i actually didn't try to think in their point of view, when I was in that situation i just thought "well maybe they don't support me", that was the only thing that came up to my mind, you know? I didn't think about how the other person might feel :-/ thank you for this reply!!!! i hope everything goes well with you and your friend :-) happy new year <3

    MistyBH January 2, 2021 7:33 am
    you're absolutely right!! i actually didn't try to think in their point of view, when I was in that situation i just thought "well maybe they don't support me", that was the only thing that came up to my mind, ... chu

    Happy New year! I Just realised that i wote fuck instead of fact on my 1st sentence hahaha im so sorry.

    Anyways yes babe, there are things that we just need to let go and understand. And again you'll find friends that's goin to love you and cherish you just the way you are My friend and I are good but he haven't say anything just yet but he's starting to show me some stuff that gives me a hint that he's dating guys. So one this days I'll be saying my prepared line with a smile