Don't know why people call stockholm syndrome (dont know any other way of calling it, but ...

Yukiko September 20, 2015 12:58 am

Don't know why people call stockholm syndrome (dont know any other way of calling it, but i didnt really want to use this phrase) a physcological problem or a disease? It's almost like when in manga, a gay person comes out to his/her family, and their parents say that its an illness and looks for a doctor to treat it. Is it really bad to call it an illness? I am curious.

    tokidoki September 20, 2015 1:29 am

    Stockholm syndrome is when a person becomes emotionally attached or feels sympathy/positive emotions for someone who kidnapped them - it has nothing to do with yaoi. It originated when a group of people were taken hostage in Stockholm, Sweden in the 70's and is a psychological issue. It can sometimes be resolved by meeting with psychiatrists.

    Anonymous September 20, 2015 1:33 am

    Stockholm syndrome was named after a bank robbing incident in stockholm whereby the robbers kidnapped some of the people in the bank. During their rescue, instead of being relieve at being saved, some of the hostages tried to defend their kidnappers instead of corporating. Go google it.

    k_brooks13 September 20, 2015 1:33 am

    It more like a psychological injury if that makes sense. Its not something your born with, it something that happens over a period of time because of stress and isolation usually I think.

    Anonymous September 20, 2015 1:35 am

    Has nothing to do with being gay, but rather a situation whereby a person that is forcefully held in captive by another person somehow develops attachments to the attacker

    Yukiko September 20, 2015 2:04 am
    Stockholm syndrome is when a person becomes emotionally attached or feels sympathy/positive emotions for someone who kidnapped them - it has nothing to do with yaoi. It originated when a group of people were ta... tokidoki

    I know what it is, but the fact that they make it as though it is an illness is just...I dont know how to explain it... and I am not saying it has anything to do with yaoi, but I am making an analogy out of it.

    Yukiko September 20, 2015 2:06 am
    Stockholm syndrome was named after a bank robbing incident in stockholm whereby the robbers kidnapped some of the people in the bank. During their rescue, instead of being relieve at being saved, some of the ho... @Anonymous

    I am not that ignorant, but I am wondering why sympathizing with the kidnappers or whoever is being called an illness

    tokidoki September 20, 2015 2:11 am
    I know what it is, but the fact that they make it as though it is an illness is just...I dont know how to explain it... and I am not saying it has anything to do with yaoi, but I am making an analogy out of it. Yukiko

    It is actually considered an illness, a kind of brainwashing if you will, or reprogramming of the the brain and needs counselling to correct it, and sometimes drugs, just like many other mental illnesses.

    Yukiko September 20, 2015 2:12 am
    Has nothing to do with being gay, but rather a situation whereby a person that is forcefully held in captive by another person somehow develops attachments to the attacker @Anonymous

    I am not saying it is related to being gay. I am making a comparison between sympathizing/defending/falling in love with your attacker being called an illness and called being homosexual an illness. Its an analogy between two unrelated things. For example, green is to go as red is to stop.

    Anonymous September 20, 2015 2:14 am
    I am not that ignorant, but I am wondering why sympathizing with the kidnappers or whoever is being called an illness Yukiko

    Because it is an abnormal psychological response to trauma.

    Yukiko September 20, 2015 2:19 am
    It is actually considered an illness, a kind of brainwashing if you will, or reprogramming of the the brain and needs counselling to correct it, and sometimes drugs, just like many other mental illnesses. tokidoki

    I find that really harsh. The victims with Stockholm Syndrome probably be forced to do these treatments, and no one will probably believe in them thinking whatever they say is nonsense. I kinda disagree with it being called an illness or physcological problem.

    tokidoki September 20, 2015 2:24 am
    I find that really harsh. The victims with Stockholm Syndrome probably be forced to do these treatments, and no one will probably believe in them thinking whatever they say is nonsense. I kinda disagree with it... Yukiko

    Sounds like you are trying to stigmatize mental illness - it is what it is - it is not harsh - I live with mental illness (depression) and know that it needs looking after - and those who end up with Stockholm syndrome hold no blame, they just need help dealing with it.

    Anonymous September 20, 2015 2:25 am
    I find that really harsh. The victims with Stockholm Syndrome probably be forced to do these treatments, and no one will probably believe in them thinking whatever they say is nonsense. I kinda disagree with it... Yukiko

    So you believe it is a normal, positive and good thing for someone to sympathize with the person who has kidnapped them?

    Yukiko September 20, 2015 2:31 am
    So you believe it is a normal, positive and good thing for someone to sympathize with the person who has kidnapped them? @Anonymous

    No, I dont think its normal. I never said it was a positive or good thing. I am just saying it is harsh to call the action of sympathizing with a person who kidnapped or harm them a disease. Its not like they are crazy.

    Yukiko September 20, 2015 2:37 am
    Sounds like you are trying to stigmatize mental illness - it is what it is - it is not harsh - I live with mental illness (depression) and know that it needs looking after - and those who end up with Stockholm ... tokidoki

    Depression is a different topic, but I almost went into depression but managed to avoid it. Since, I am probably still in high school, and you are probably older, maybe you think I am naive. These types of question always come up in my mind where I sometimes desperately ask for answers and ask others for their opinion. I have been thinking of taking physcology so maybe if I do I will go further into this. So for now might as well let it go.

    Anonymous September 20, 2015 2:54 am
    No, I dont think its normal. I never said it was a positive or good thing. I am just saying it is harsh to call the action of sympathizing with a person who kidnapped or harm them a disease. Its not like they a... Yukiko

    It is not considered a disease. Where are you getting that idea? It is a psychological disturbance in response to a traumatic event, much like acute distress disorder. People with Stockholm syndrome are not considered crazy but they are considered to be having an abnormal psychological response. That's not harsh. It's just facts.

    nekonekota September 20, 2015 3:05 am

    to be honest I don't think it's an illness though, more like something to do with temporary psychological condition I think?

    Anonymous September 20, 2015 3:14 am
    It is not considered a disease. Where are you getting that idea? It is a psychological disturbance in response to a traumatic event, much like acute distress disorder. People with Stockholm syndrome are not con... @Anonymous

    What is considered as an illness is defined by people, in this case the psychiatrist and neurologist, and anything that deviates from the "normal" state of mind can be considered as a type of mental illness, regardless of whether the person himself thinks so. So, if society considers you to be insane or or mentally ill, than you are. After all, they are all labels given by other people and are not from the person himself.

    Yukiko September 20, 2015 3:26 am
    It is not considered a disease. Where are you getting that idea? It is a psychological disturbance in response to a traumatic event, much like acute distress disorder. People with Stockholm syndrome are not con... @Anonymous

    I may have accidently used the word "disease" but I am sure I did not. I said illness not disease (I am trying to be careful with my wording). The way some people react to it is as though it is an illness. And also find the word "abnormal" weird to use. But I would like to end it there, because these arguments require people who have study physcology or peopke who experince it to understand better than us(I think....) I intend to further go into this investigation when I have my time and as I study physcology.

    Yukiko September 20, 2015 3:28 am
    to be honest I don't think it's an illness though, more like something to do with temporary psychological condition I think? nekonekota

    I think this would require further study. This is an interesting subject to study which is why I brought it up on this sight where most yaoi have Stockholm syndrome.

    Yukiko September 20, 2015 3:28 am
    I think this would require further study. This is an interesting subject to study which is why I brought it up on this sight where most yaoi have Stockholm syndrome. Yukiko
