Power Dynamics

Anoni Grrl September 18, 2015 10:19 pm

Leaving aside social status, money and physical strength, who do you think has more power in this relationship? I'm talking about what George Castanza calls "hand"--the power one has in a relationship when the other person wants it more. Personally, I think Aki has more power, but he doesn't fully realize it. What do you think?

    bakaotaku34 September 19, 2015 12:27 am

    personally I think its Asami, eventhough I think he is really attached to akihito, he can easily toss him aside for a greater purpose, this is cold blooded asami after all!

    J Unleashed September 19, 2015 1:41 am

    I think Asami has a significant edge over Akihito mostly because of age and experience.

    Reality bites September 19, 2015 3:10 am

    I may be in the minority but I think they have worked out a way of sharing their power. It is not always equal but they both wind up getting what they need out of their relationship despite what it looks like from the outside. they each bring someting to the table. Asami stability in the form of power, Takaba stability in the form of an emotional center that has no dark spots, they balance each other out. His dark and Takaba's light, just my opin. any way.

    INeedYaoiToSurvive September 19, 2015 6:10 am
    I may be in the minority but I think they have worked out a way of sharing their power. It is not always equal but they both wind up getting what they need out of their relationship despite what it looks like f... @Reality bites

    Agreed. They both bring in the different aspects from their side which are both essential to their relationship.

    INeedYaoiToSurvive September 19, 2015 6:14 am
    personally I think its Asami, eventhough I think he is really attached to akihito, he can easily toss him aside for a greater purpose, this is cold blooded asami after all! bakaotaku34

    No, Asami at this point can't toss Akihito aside. Yes, he is cold blooded but he can't let go of Akihito. He is already nuts about Akihito, in a way he needs him after all Akihito is the light in the darkness for him. The same goes for Akihito, he can't let go of Asami either, he is stubborn and he runs away from him but he in the end returns to his side. He is weak towards his feelings for Asami.

    Anoni Grrl September 19, 2015 7:42 am
    Agreed. They both bring in the different aspects from their side which are both essential to their relationship. INeedYaoiToSurvive

    I can see a sort of balance. Both need each other, and neither could really leave.

    INeedYaoiToSurvive September 19, 2015 7:44 am
    I can see a sort of balance. Both need each other, and neither could really leave. Anoni Grrl

    Yes, exactly.

    eworth September 19, 2015 2:18 pm

    The kind of power you're talking about can maybe be measured in who has the power to hurt the other more and in that, I agree with you that Akihito holds that power and that he is completely unaware of it. I think he feels utterly powerless in this relationship and is only just beginning to have a sense of his own value.

    That key scene when he is brought back after running away and Asami gets so angry illustrates what you're talking about beautifully. Akihito has no clue why Asami gets angry with him. He certainly doesn't understand how he hurt Asami in that scene. Asami tries to wield his own power but you can see in the next scene how it didn't work. Akihito is curled up happily in bed. Asami is brooding in the shower.

    Then I think you have to look at who needs the other more. If Asami dumped Akihito, Akihito would bounce back eventually. He has lots of friends and loving parents to take care of him. If Akihito walked on Asami, Asami would go on, but would he be fine? He doesn't seem to have friends (except for Kuroda, who we've seen is bought and paid for like everything else in Asami's life) and probably no family. (He spends New Year's, a big family holiday in Japan, alone, asleep.) He has the loyalty of his subordinates but that's not the same as having someone you can be truly open with.

    Also "The Day Young Businessman Asami Ryuichi's Little Monster Arrived" extra is cute and funny on the surface but it paints a poignant picture underneath by showing you how sterile, impersonal and empty Asami's life was before Akihito entered it and how it would probably return if Akihito was gone.

    Akihito brought light in every sense of the word into Asami's life. If he goes he takes that with him.

    Yikes! Sorry for writing a book but it's an interesting question about something that is at the heart of this story.

    Anoni Grrl September 19, 2015 4:58 pm
    The kind of power you're talking about can maybe be measured in who has the power to hurt the other more and in that, I agree with you that Akihito holds that power and that he is completely unaware of it. I th... eworth

    That is what I was thinking at first. I think that you describe it well.

    I think it's telling how far Asami will go to try to please Aki. All Aki has to do is mention he likes something, for example fireworks. Asami may not say much, but he'll move heaven and earth to make sure Aki sees fireworks. Asami dislikes sweets, but if Aki puts a piece of chocolate in Asami's mouth, Asami eats it. Aki like zombie movies and Asami thinks snakry thoughts, but holds his tongue and watched them.

    I do see what people mean when they say Aki needs Asami too. Aki is just starting to realize how much Asami means to him.

    BTW, never apologize to *me* for writing too much. I tend to think in huge rushes of words that come faster than my fingers can type. Besides, I think everything you said was on point.

    Reality bites September 20, 2015 3:35 am

    I agree with ewoth that the power to hurt did lie(s) with Takaba. The power to break is (was) in the hands of Asami. Takaba spent a lot of this story trying to prove he was worthy to stand by Asami's side. when he saw Suduo with Asami that really pushed him.Takaba does have the power to hurt, but Asami has the power to break. Neither do.

    Anoni Grrl September 20, 2015 2:29 pm
    I agree with ewoth that the power to hurt did lie(s) with Takaba. The power to break is (was) in the hands of Asami. Takaba spent a lot of this story trying to prove he was worthy to stand by Asami's side. wh... @Reality bites

    I am not sure about "breaking" but Asami has the power to pursue and the power to insist. I think it's a significant development that Aki has started to be jealous (of Sudou, the black haired actress, and Kuroda--and then Aki says everyone is either after money or after Asami). So I'll say that Asami has the power to make Aki jealous too.

    I wonder what would happen if Asami found out about BJ gate and decided to withdraw and give Aki freedom? I don't think that is likely, but if Asami did leave, I wonder how Aki would pursue (because i think he would)?

    Aki's Fan September 20, 2015 4:44 pm
    The kind of power you're talking about can maybe be measured in who has the power to hurt the other more and in that, I agree with you that Akihito holds that power and that he is completely unaware of it. I th... eworth

    You described it perfectly , couldn't agree more.