In the manga they said transvestite which is a straight man who likes to wear feminine clothing.
Transexual is not an outdated term for a transgender person. A transexual is someone who does surgery or takes hormones.
A transgender person is less specific and is just someone who identify differently from their biological sex.
Drag queens usually male are fashionable people that like dress up and be loud with their fashion.
Cross dressing is when you wear clothes that are usually worn by the opposite sex.

As a trans person I can tell you though there is a small subset of the trans community that do use the term transsexual most of the trans community think it's outdated would hate to be referred to as transsexual. Also I missed it in my original post but transvestite is just a outdated and derogatory term for someone who cross dresses.

Ok my phone kinda blew up hears what they said,
“ Transsexual only works in the context of Rocky Horror Picture Show references, lol. Definitely outdated. Also it’s just incorrect because trans is about changing gender, not changing sexuality.
Transvestite is also outdated.
As for whether it’s offensive, some definitely would be offended by it. I wouldn’t be, unless certain it was said with derogatory intent. Most people over age 30 have little to no understanding of everything trans, so I can’t fault them for not getting terminology right. Just gently correct and move on.
Also, transgender is a broad umbrella category; within it are more precise terms that at least some of us feel is more accurate to us.
Like I’m genderfluid and non binary (or NB, Enby), but I’m not going to transition and probably not going to mess with hormones (I really want breasts and some femme fat distribution though). Then there’s bi-gender, and other terms.
Best practice is to just go with what individual wish to be called and considered to be.
That, and before you know, just dance around it (“they/them” works, “that person” etc.)
Also, not everyone IRL wants to be an ambassador; an acquaintance should be ok with a polite question, but it probably won’t go over well with a total stranger.”
Someone else said
“Trans- femme , trans-masc, trans-nonbinary are up to date ,also just transgender . Tranny, transexual, transvestite ,transgenders or trannsgendering or any other form are out-dated out of touch Karen terms that may be considered derogatory just because there are more updated terms. As a trans person ,if I hear those labels I pretty much know your are either
A. Your not informed and need to update how you deal with the changing world's social stuctures ,which does happen occasionally, or
B. Someone who knowingly dispite being up to date on terminology ,or is willfully ignorant, uses these terms to belittle or make light of trans individuals under the guise of acceptance usually done to ostracize alienate , and create a sence of otherness.”
Another person said
“The first doesn't seem that nice to me
The second one.... It just makes me want to punch someone in the face”
Another person said,
“ Both terms are of a period in history where even homosexuality was considered offensive publicly. I think the terminology we use today is quite unsettled(just “not known yet” is all I mean by this word) as the whole gender studies area of science was and is still under the same public scrutiny to an extent. Yes of course we have progressed drastically, but there is a lot of shame put onto ones outward identity in social situations. This dampers the whole ability of science to be objective. Having that in mind transgender still has connotation of two binary forms of human when we are learning more each day as to how every single person has varying levels of chemistry going on as well as a “soul” in the mix making it even more interesting and near impossible to define in our current society. This currently can not be defined on any scale in my opinion as the science is less than 50 years old and the social constructs being taught are thousands of years in the making. That’s nothing in the world of “proven” science and I hope that those conducting the science are unbiased as they provide their conclusions.
Best bet for now is to call people by the name they ask you to... it’s pretty easy to go oh yeah my transgender friend Joe.... but why? They are as much of a formed person as I’ve met. Try to say my friend Joe- and see how that changes social construct of sectioning people off and grouping hate. There is no need for a defining word in front of the reference to someone’s being. I certainly don’t go and say my “cisgender” friend Jane will be here soon. Why do it for “transgender” forms. It’s all to keep you focused on easily hating those that are different rather than getting to know the “soul” standing in front of you. Be kind to one another 2021!”
Really cool, I kinda learn some new things and got to see what’s the right way to say things nowadays.
They were wrong about the definitions of drag queen and transexual.
A Drag Queen is someone usually men who imitate and often exaggerate female gender signifiers and gender roles for entertainment purposes
Transexual is an outdated term for a transgender person.
Cross-dressing is when someone wears clothes traditionally worn by the opposite gender.
In the last chapter Seo-ju was cross-dressing