when carrying him that way each move will push his dick deeper inside so the cute uke will be feeling it at each steo and it ll be frustrating cuz he s basically easing him. He ll become so sensitive (pleasure=nbr of steps x mini_pleasure x time to get to the room) he ll feel it harder when they reach the room. There s also a 69% chance he may cum while they re walking according to a secret survey.
i can give you a free full course lesson about anything related to yaoi. We may even discuss the omegaverse theary and just how much of it is possiblz in the future
i can give you a free full course lesson about anything related to yaoi. We may even discuss the omegaverse theary and just how much of it is possiblz in the future Mikaela
when carrying him that way each move will push his dick deeper inside so the cute uke will be feeling it at each steo and it ll be frustrating cuz he s basically easing him. He ll become so sensitive (pleasure=nbr of steps x mini_pleasure x time to get to the room) he ll feel it harder when they reach the room. There s also a 69% chance he may cum while they re walking according to a secret survey.