Same.I agree besides that;its not like harus forcing him..I turned 18 few days ago and I actually consider myself as someone who's capable of knowing better who and how my significant other should be.17 sounds maybe too young if you're self older than the but as someone who's the same age;i totally see no problem with the age.BESIDES THAT ITS FICTIONAL.Cant we enjoy a lil but love without projecting in it to reality?

its not age gap thats a problem its that the boy is a c h i l d. the older dude is a p e d o p h i l e. the reason you're considered an adult sexually at 18 is because your body and mind basically finishes developing so you can make the correct choices without puberty and hormones influencing your decision to consent that you'll later regret. Once he turns 18, its fine. Anywhere before then its not at all okay and is rape because he cannot consent at what is it, 16?

age of consent in japan is 13 which is ren's age when he meets haru again. its still fucked up but haru's never jumped on ren. other related topics, i dont get what youre trying to prove here. if you dont like the story dont read it. there is legit a shit ton of other mangas with worse plots including rape, abuse, kidnapping, etc. and yet you choose to continue arguing on something acting like your righteous as if youre not reading on an illegal website which ultimately shouldnt give you any right to complain. pls go somewhere else

1) not everyone is financially privileged enough to afford manga/manhwa
2) you can literally find translated manhwa for purchase nowhere except for lezhin, as well as smaller mangas
If you decided to read my reply in this section you’d know that 13 should not be the age of consent because your mind and body have not finished developing and still influence your decision to consent. So no, it’s not illegal. But it should be. Also they touched each other, still makes it pedophilia and sexual harassment.
A shit ton of people are defending this dude like if u wanna read it whatever but don’t defend the actions of a pedophileeee thanks. Just because something is worse doesn’t mean it’s not bad. Also most of those are tagged with psychological which is a flashing red signal that it’s messed up. Dunno about the rape ones but a lot of the kidnapping and brutal mangas are enjoyed for the violence. Pedophilia should not be enjoyed for pedophilia.
I know you didn’t reply to me directly but I felt like replying so

u literally told me yesterday u weren’t defending this in anyway but sis actions speak louder than words. the age consent in japan is 13? okay well that’s wrong and we all know that not everyone approves of every fucking law. i’m arguing in this one because it is between a child and an adult, has a 9.5 rating, and got a fucking anime. and not u trying to tell me i don’t have a right to complain? like at this point i’m done arguing with u and will continue doing whatever the FUCK i want.
also did some research since y’all love to throw the 13 iS tHe AgE oF cOnSeNt In JaPaN
“ Japanese panel law addresses the issue of rape and sexual intercourse. The article 177 of these laws gives three years of imprisonment for the people who commit sexual intercourse with a female less than 13 years of age. This law makes it clear that sex under thirteen years of age is a crime, so the age of consent becomes 13.
There is another ambiguity following article 34 of the Child Welfare Act, holds the age of fornication as 18 years. Fornication means sex with a person who is not married. Children may be called any person under 18 years of age. So in terms of this law, the age of consent is 18.”

aight i guess consuming media is just as bad and is comparable to an adult having sex with a minor, so like...pedophilia=reading things on a website bc u cant afford to purchase it- also, freedom of speech and consequence- i can speak on whatever i want to, and you can reply to whatever im saying too?? this is like saying "oh you cant critique a bad movie, because there are worse movies out there." like duh, there are worse mangas, doesnt mean this one isnt gross as well
Twitter has ruined another thing for me yet again. I just realized how fucking creepy this whole thing is. He's way too old and he's way too young. OMG. I've been reading this manga for like 5 years and I just realized this. Maybe because I'm growing old but this dude is like 25 when Ren is 15!!!! OMG!