
Please don't use the word
"retarded" when referring to people who are slower in anything than what we considered mainstream. The word retarded is no longer use as it is disrespectful towards people who are slower in general. The correct term to use now a day is " disabled ". This is respectful language as we all should learn how to use correct terms.
Holy shit, the postman is the second daddy. he's gonna start licking he retarded kid *forgot his name* and die a death like the daddy. the retarded kid seems to be evil if u look at chapter 1 it seems like he's kind of old already but when the dark-hair uke grow up they look about the same age? is the retarded kid some kind of immortal monster...well, i guess it's pretty obvious the retarded kid is the monster mantis killing anyone how have sex with him so farewell postman for u r gonna fall pray to the mantis like the daddy who die in the earlier chapter. and isn't that postman the same postman from chap 1 during the funeral, i can see the 2 moles on the chin.
i think i will wait until this manga end to come back since manga like this just make me wanna do the levi kick on annoying characters. though i am amazed that in 4 chaps we have yet to see any anal sex...only some licking and hand jobs.