Bruh the child

:) Lin December 28, 2020 1:21 am

The child is beside you- please no-
Bruh I’m getting flashbacks to when I woke up in the middle of the night to hear my parents doing the deed- bish I’m not okay- I had to pretend I was asleep DO U KNOW HOW PAINFUL THAT WAS OMFG AHHH oh but the story is cute uwu

    Nah Nah December 28, 2020 1:52 am

    Oh shit! I had an exact copy of experience when i was young. I was an ELEMENTARY kid then and it bonestly traumatized me a little. Especially since i was sleeping on the SAME BED that night. I had to pee bc i drank too much water so i woke up in the middle of the night and felt the bed shaking. I just pretended to wake up by accident and not knowing what’s going on. I peed and went back to sleep lol

    Psychopath December 28, 2020 2:14 am

    Well sucks to be you guys LMFAO

    MaxpeinAybi December 28, 2020 2:21 am
    Oh shit! I had an exact copy of experience when i was young. I was an ELEMENTARY kid then and it bonestly traumatized me a little. Especially since i was sleeping on the SAME BED that night. I had to pee bc i d... Nah Nah

    It’s funny because I experienced the same thing too but it happened just this christmas goodness gracious! I had to quickly close my eyes and hold back my pee and counted one two three to distract myself and oh boy It was traumatizing. And it sucks cause the image that I saw is still fresh that’s why I’m reading bl so that I’ll be able to distract myself and forget about it

    idkany1 December 28, 2020 2:58 am

    broo my parents have done that so many times when i used to sleep with them, and i’d always wake up in the middle and had to pretend i was asleep

    :) Lin December 30, 2020 3:08 am
    broo my parents have done that so many times when i used to sleep with them, and i’d always wake up in the middle and had to pretend i was asleep idkany1

    Exactly- when I was younger I slept in my parents room on a couch that was beside their bed and bitch I woke up and- i didn’t open my eyes but omfg just- I couldn’t even cover my ears I had to pretend to sleep like wtf