This is a rather idealist and naive opinion. So you get abandoned by your mother and had to scrape by more than 10 years alone, managing to find someone who would love you unconditionally, then just because you've got "familial obligations" you have to destroy that little happiness? Don't underestimate the psychological impact of a home -- living in a toxic household instead of a loving and passionate one? Fox and Hyung's relationship won't survive and it's primarily because they're both orphans. You cannot just introduce a new factor and expect things to be fine and dandy. It isn't a stupid decision. It's the healthiest one.

So you said Mookyul was selfish? What about Nabin then, she ask Ewon to live with her & her mother, to chose them over Mookyul! Imagine you're in Ewon shoes, there's no way he could live in the same roof with a mother who tried to kill him. It's not just simply being abandoned. If his mother intend to do so she would leave in the street of somewhere where anyone can pick him up but instead she lock him up in deserted place, it's a miracle that someone found him before he frozen to death. I know Nabin do nothing wrong but she received all family's love whereas Ewon have to struggling alone to survive, if it was me I would hate Nabin existence for dear life. Just remembering when Ewon look at his happy family from distance upset me enough. It was too kind of Ewon to financially support his family. Do you expect him to loving his family when he never experienced it himself? The only person who love him was Mookyul. The wound was too deep for Ewon. If he still get in touch with Nabin, it would only remind him of those terrible nightmare.

I totally agree you. Those were my feelings as well. I don't believe Ewon was selfish at all. And that goes for Mookyul as well, he wanted what is best for Ewon in my opinion. They both finally found their home. To stay with that "bitch" (i can't call a mother a person like her) and his sister will only broke him. I very pleasing with the ending. They both have the right to find happines, is nothing selfish about that.
uhh I didn't like the decision of Ewon and ending. I mean he could already tame the 'beast' Mookyul to not be so selfish and egocentric toward him and to understand circumanities and feelings and to have sympathy and understanding especially when it comes to his lover. I think Ewon could decide another way and he didn't need to break up with Mookyul just to live with sister until all sets up ok and she won't get frustrated over such unstable mother. I think Ewon is spoiling too much already spoiled Mookyul. grr I really was so angry at his behaviour towards the little girl and his drastic cornering eighter wihte or black. for the sake of .. O.O whyy so much hardcore feelings when everything is acctually simple loving and caring can be done anytme everywhere... and what if Ewon leaves his apartment for the sake of living with family he could visit him every day or they could hook up in the city everytime ... really soo spoiled. >< I thought Ewon will tame him and learn him common manners and emotions and behaviour at least in those situations.. but uh disappointed..that was stupid decision.