Aight guys

extraterrestrial_ December 27, 2020 9:51 pm

Aight first off she is in no way obligated to show respect to this guy. She didn't know him and to top it off she found out that he was stalking her. she's not a "bitch" for not wanting to go or for burning that creepy ass notebook.
I mean, how would you feel if some fucking guy asked you to go to the funeral of a guy who you didn't even know, just because the dead guy had a crush on you. And then while at the funeral his mom gives you his diary that's filled with thing's about you, with specific dates and times. LIKe bitch? I'd be creeped the fuck out!
what's worse is that his own mother and best friend just stood on the sidelines and let him be a little creeper, they inhibited that stalking behaviour, which would only make him think that he isn't doing anything wrong.

I honestly have no idea as to why anyone hates this girl. She's coping quite well with having found out that she was being stalked.

    Windy815 May 13, 2021 11:24 pm

    no dude fr like y is the mother lowkey okay with it and y is dead guy friend pressuring her so much, it's a dude she didn't know and he also had PHOTOS of her looking off guard, all of it is weird af, and y is everyone so mad at her in this comment section she had a valid reason but burning the diary is a bit too much but stiil she had a valid reason