This is a joke right? Ur fucking disgusting. What’s even worse is u may be a girl and support a male rapist raping another man because “the top is hot” or “the character development”. Stop normalizing rape culture when those who go through it never EVER forgive their rapist because of their looks or “learning from their mistakes”. Rape is not Romantic or for u straight girls to find it sexy, this whole comment section is why society finds people’s who read BL disgusting, u fetishize and set stereotypes towards the mlm community. You’re fucking gross.

Finally someone with normal brain..
I got attacked so many times here because I stated that romantizing and normalizing rape/abuse/manipulation/harassment is not normal and is giving the wrong idea to young kids that read those crape stories..
I have dropped that story long ago but still a read the comments just to understand why Quicksilver is so obsessed with that story.. he/she is literally attacking everyone who has a different opinion mocking and provoking with nasty words.. if you go through comments you will see what I mean..
Never mind I hate that straight girls are being so obsessed with yaoi , I am straight too but I read literally what makes me have a good time and stick with my morals. I can read from who made me a princess to bastard or black mirrors..
Fetishizing gay couples is gross and people need to get educated or to look for treatment if they are obsessed..

LITERALLY FINALLY SOMEONE WHO AGREES IN THIS COMMENT SECTION, everyone here is praising this series when they are ignoring the literal rape and black mail. Yes literally that user is harassing everyone with a different opinion, and I agree reading BL is okay as long as it isn’t being fetishized with rape, drunk sex, etc. because that’s when it’s crossed the line, and when they excuse a characters attitude because they’re hot like... It’s a GAY MALE, keep in mind these are mainly straight girls (or literally anyone) praising this rape because they are hot..

I am a girl too, but I avoid all the stories that glorified rape etc.. even is is straight couples or gay couples is a no no for me.. except if the seme is not the rapist, one of my favorite manhwa is Back to school exactly because Chiwoo didn't forget his best friend after he raped and beat him up but he moved one with the best boy Kyujin..
Really I can't compromise how people are getting so obsessed and addicted to yaoi (not shoune ai but yaoi) is literally only because of the s@x.. like that is gross and make wanna puke... my best friend is gay (male too, our moms are high school bff) so we grow up together and the only yaoi I have read is the ones he recommended me..

Finally sane people! I’ve been one of the earliest critics of this story and I was saying how harmful shit like this was growing up as a gay boy because almost all gay men were depicted as rapists and it was normalized. Then, some wack job told me my comment was irrelevant since yaoi is made for straight girls so gay men don’t have a say in how we’re depicted in these stories, and that I should just stick to bara. The audacity of these people, as if art exists in a culture-less vacuum with no influence on real life perceptions of others; normalizing and romanticizing rape is perpetuating rape culture, and doing so for mlm couples buys in to the long held stereotype that gay men are sexual predators and nymphomaniacs. Also finding the rape of men by other men “hot” as a fujoshi is just the grossest type of fetishization, stop being proud of being the genderbent version of straight dudes who like lesbian rape hentais and get a real personality. So done with these people

It is gross. Very gross. Some of the people on here are 11 and it's kinda gross seeing them think this is ok just because they're hot and it's two guys. Ofc people know the boundaries between real life and fiction but still it's kinda gross seeing 11yo straight girls get hyped about forced sex.

Also i see u everywhere and i just wanted to say, see u in hell tbh. Bc holy shit. They're not "fuck buddies" he's R*PING. Him. If ur "fuck buddies" u both consented. Not tying up someone and holding them down. He told him to stop and he still did it again. Even until he passed out. Consent is SEXY.
Lee kang yu a ugly dirty crazy ass good for nothing go ahead and join seungho and sangwoo and yawhi in hell