In defense of the brothers

Momoland December 27, 2020 12:06 pm

I think what some critics fail to realize is that, unlike in other 'reincarnation' or 'sent back in time' stories, our heroine was not sent back in time after being violently murdered by people around her, or to get revenge, it is pretty clear that she was sent back in time to fix the relationship between her and her adopted brothers and to help her younger self adjust with her new role and everyone in the family to get used to her as well. I think some readers of this might be pretty young based on some of the opinions and comments I've read, where they state they dislike the brothers and have no sympathy for them, but you got to realize that these brothers of hers are not the same three young men from that alternate reality of sorts, and you can't hold the actions of people they DID NOT grew up to be against them. Our heroine was not murdered, she was mistreated, sure, and that was horrible, but she got a lot of insight into why when she went back in time. The middle brother did not know how to deal with his emotions. The youngest brother had the malicious aunt in his ear since early life, and the alternate reality one had no one else for him, as the children did not know how to be there for each other, so it's not strange she was able to manipulate him. We see how the uncle tried to treat the eldest even in this version, but thankfully, the kids had a year more to start getting along with each other and develop close relationships, see that she did not worm her way into the family, see that the parents cared for them all equally, and that was so precious and healthy and needed. Remember, first they saw their sister grow ill, suffer immensely, then die, which is very traumatic for their children. Then they saw their mother lose their mind gradually, which seemed to have gone untreated in the original, and then they lost their parents pretty soon after gaining a new sister which they didn't know how to accept (their parents were in the wrong there, they did nothing at first to prepare them or help them get along, but in this new present things changed because the heroine changed, she had many life experiences and was grown and wiser and knew how to use that to her advantage and help herself and she realized that the boys were just hurt kids and was able to heal their relationships and in turn they had an extra precious year as a full family). Those boys went through so much, which isn't an excuse for the behavior of their possible future selves, but they're not those men after all, so please stop holding against them crimes that they did not commit in this reality and will not end up commiting them after all, as they grew close to their sister and love her.
I suspect Eugene might have loved our MC even in the original version, in the end he helped her get engaged and get married to likely the kindest man ever (which was no accident), and despite her bad reputation (which we learn was spread by the aunt who had a downfall in this version so it did not end up staining our heroine's path through life after all) she was to marry such a good guy and was likely going to be happy and safe. Even child Eugene showed he had a conscience and big heart, he was a mere tween/teen, but he had so much responsibilities thrust upon him and he tried to protect our MC after she got hurt, after the mom almost possibly gave her medicine she didn't need, he had a talk with his father and it resulted in the mom getting the help she needed, he started being reasonable and taking the MC's side after seeing what a good kid she was, he even tried listening to her thinking she wanted to go back and lived where she used to but he couldn't just abandon her. He is a good guy. That scene with the uncle basically threatening him and him shooting his uncle? He did that for his siblings, to protect them. He needed to have a position nobody could undermine. His accident was no mere accident, I am sure the fall from the horse was intentional. Imagine how alone, confused, hurt the younger Eugene was from that alternate reality? He had nobody to rely on, while this Eugene had a better relationship with ALL of his siblings, had an extra year with his family and had 3 kids that relied on him and that he can rely on too, especially our MC, who was wise beyond her years. It's no wonder he started crushing on her. Even him now, so sensible, so aware of his emotions but trying not to show them to protect his "sister" and her future... he is a kind man. I know you all love the second lead, and I adore him too, but does the heroine love him? Has she ever showed any sort of romantic feelings towards him? Meanwhile, we can see subtle moments from her and Eugene that hint at her having some feelings for him as well, that she's likely still less aware of and confused by.
I know I'm rambling a lot at this point, but I wish people were less strict with her brothers and especially Eugene. He sacrified so much for the other three's happiness, he kept them safe all this time because he loves them. 

    Lrynx December 27, 2020 1:17 pm

    The most mature opinion I've read, even tho it's way too long for me to read but it's worth it.
    As an avid reader of this webtoon, I'm grateful that finally someone have explained the plot and each of the main/supporting character's personalities.

    bah-hah ❤ December 27, 2020 3:01 pm

    yes eugene indeed had feelings for hari in the original. i personally found it uncomfortable at first because i considered the other brothers' perspectives + hari's perspective. what would the siblings say about their brother and sister getting together? what would society think? what does hari think about having feelings for her brother while remembering his past self? she basically sees her brothers as people younger than her because of her mental age due to going back in time.

    i'm genuinely curious how the author is gonna plan it out because i like the thrill of not knowing what could happen next. this is one of the few manhwas where i can't successfully predict its outcomes. i'm reading the novel rn so hopefully nothing bad will happen

    InsomniacEnigma December 27, 2020 10:48 pm

    The message and emotions were so subtle that many ppl tend to miss them, but that's what also makes this story amazing; the subtlety makes it feel much more natural. I'm so happy whenever I see ppl like u that notices and appreciate the hidden perspective in stories :3

    Lizan December 28, 2020 6:08 am

    U stole my words. But I really hope that Eugene and Hari will end up together. Because she doesn't have any feelings for johan and she was always affected by Eugene's action and words from the very beginning.

    Yona December 29, 2020 1:15 pm

    Thank you! (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    Nizze December 29, 2020 7:20 pm

    Honestly I agree with you. And it is even more reason for me being against them being together. I'm not even get into the she's twice their mental age thanks to her going to the past. But. Is the second life they are raised as brothers. The same way she feels nothing about the other brothers and the fiancé she shouldn't feel for him too. Again. They are brothers. Officially, formally, legally, publically and should be psychologically too. No matter the reason, is undeniable that they ending together is inces.
    At this point using they not sharing the same blood as an excuse is denying every adopted person is part of their family. I also dislike that the prince's feelings will probably be used to clear way for them. I'd rather he ended with the mc instead. At least they were not raised as siblings like the others... ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭