wE'RE SO SPOILED AAAAAAAA 91 TO 120 CHPS T___T THANK YOU FOR THIS UPLOADER !! OMAGYHAD OMAYGHAD OMAGYHAD, i hOPe thOsE tWO wiLl be fRiEndS i tHInK its imposible but i want to make it happen huhu ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~
omg sameeeeee!!!! i know that baekdu baby is a spoiled brat, but it hurts to see how he's being treated by his own FaTheR! tht scumbag! i just hope he gets to experience friendship like jiwoo and the gang have ;-;
wE'RE SO SPOILED AAAAAAAA 91 TO 120 CHPS T___T THANK YOU FOR THIS UPLOADER !! OMAGYHAD OMAYGHAD OMAGYHAD, i hOPe thOsE tWO wiLl be fRiEndS i tHInK its imposible but i want to make it happen huhu ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~