I think i know why ians genuinely repenting rn- when nine was the one who awakened and melissa the one who broke through to save yuri, the story was completely on a new route. Yuri’s “subconscious” even said that the story would always be the same but it isnt. Ian at the beginning didnt know what to do when melissa asked for a reason to not divorce, meaning that the script has run its course. The characters are able to feel for themselves and change the way they want to, which might be why jake didnt act the way melissa expected, and ians acting like he genuinely wants to make it up to melissa. At this point on, there’s no destined ending for melissa to expect, and the characters are free from their chains to stick to their descriptions.
Yes, I think this why too. This chapter Ian actually seems (dare I say it) genuine, I couldn't even recognize him when he appeared. Maybe Im reading too into it but I think the appearance change was def on purpose
I think i know why ians genuinely repenting rn- when nine was the one who awakened and melissa the one who broke through to save yuri, the story was completely on a new route. Yuri’s “subconscious” even said that the story would always be the same but it isnt. Ian at the beginning didnt know what to do when melissa asked for a reason to not divorce, meaning that the script has run its course. The characters are able to feel for themselves and change the way they want to, which might be why jake didnt act the way melissa expected, and ians acting like he genuinely wants to make it up to melissa. At this point on, there’s no destined ending for melissa to expect, and the characters are free from their chains to stick to their descriptions.
But this is just a theory- a WEBTOON theory