I understand why most of y'all find the MC to be unlikable and selfish. It is because she ...

bittermelonmami December 27, 2020 1:42 am

I understand why most of y'all find the MC to be unlikable and selfish. It is because she is selfish and admittedly, a bad mother.

But I think that makes her unique and a far more realistic MC than some other isekai manhwa MCs are.

She was the "flower" of her society and ended up getting married and having a child far earlier than she ever expected due to the circumstances surrounding her father's passing. She was only seventeen, an unthinkable age for most people today to do either of those things. She was not prepared for her life to change that drastically and to lose not only her social life but also everything else that was familiar and comforting to her.

Not only that, but she married a man who doesn't really love her and cares more about the duties and standing of their household than the happiness of his wife.

I am not excusing her choices, though, as neglecting your child, no matter the circumstances, is entirely wrong. I am just saying that she was young and unprepared for the expectations and restrictions that came with having a child, especially in a society where a women's entire purpose is to raise her children.

And despite her bad choices, she realized that she was wrong. That is why now, given three years of her life back, she has decided to dedicate it to her son and to try and become a good mother. Although her methods are misguided, her intentions are good and I think she is doing the best she can do considering her circumstances.

So yes, she is a selfish and sucky character but when understanding her background and everything else surrounding how she thinks, I can't help but understand and like her. She is relatable in the way that she is utterly human and makes mistakes, which she is trying to amend for.

    bittermelonmami December 27, 2020 1:48 am

    Idk but I just think that some of the best MCs are the most unlikable ones because they also have the most room for growth.

    Nakisa December 27, 2020 1:48 am

    I understand her and like the character too, but I can't say I like her as a person.
    I don't hate her either, right now she got the chance to change so I just hope that she'll use her 2nd chance well and doesn't make her son suffer anymore.
    She really clumsy and still selfishly think that her way of thinking is the best which it kind of annoying but I hope it'll change in the futur and that she'll be able to be a good mother.

    HOSHI December 27, 2020 1:53 am

    100% agree. I couldn’t have said it better myself.

    Maple December 27, 2020 1:53 am

    Finally someone who understands! I hate how people go, "I hate the FL, yadda yadda" but not paying attention to the details in the story. She's doing her best, support her.

    Lookatmysexycat December 27, 2020 2:30 am

    Agree, this is a story which she is trying to reconcile and repent on her doing.. not to redo her past

    Nanayurina (novel writer) December 27, 2020 3:50 am

    Really true. Finally have someone have same mind as me. It’s so irritating to see everyone hating her without considering what’s the situation happening around her. I was crying for her while reading and after coming to comment section and seeing everyone hating her I feel stupid lol but I still think she’s not bad. Because she knows to regret but her regret was to late to change. Everything just so realistic I love it!

    Baybehchick April 11, 2021 2:47 am

    I would like to know what you think now that it has been established that the ml is truly in love with her.