I mean not really. No one is being a bother to the others and honestly I feel like most of us are fine when someone says their opinions, even hate, because that's what makes you have another prespective on the story. I don't want to sound mean and disrespectful in any way but that's just how I see it.
Wanna know how i see it? Whats the point of being here and crying about it if you dont like it? Either accept it or stop reading its as simple as that. I dont know why people go out of their way to say how they hate the manga, they hate the author, they hate the characters, they hate everything hut still come here every uptade just to complain about it. Just leave, stop reading, its as easy as that, its redundant to see people just hating on it every week, if your opinion is not constructive in any way and its just "i hate i hate i hate" then JUST LEAVE
Lol I thought you were the 14 yr old girl. There is this thing called 'criticism'. It doesnt mena smthing is gettimg called out, it is entirely bad. Does it have so much rape scenes? Yes. But does it have good character designs and good art? Yes. Does it have more room for improvement? Possibly. These people arent just blatantly hating, they knew it can be better and is dissapointed. You have no rights to tell anybody to stop reading cuz they 'hate' this particular thing in the manhua. Thats what 14 yrs old do. And honey, most people that were complaining to the author were lezhin readers (they are paying the author).
Ok but you're so pretentious if you think what youre doing its criticism or constructive opinions, what youre doing is complaining. Complaining is not criticism, get over yourselves, your input adds noting to anything, you just wanna bitch about things and i made a joke about you guys bitching about stuff since its pathetic (im 22 since my age apparently has value to support my argument)
Look guys, are you dissatisfied with whats currently happening? Do you wish the manga would change its direction so it wouldnt hurt your feelings? Do you go out of your way to let the author and everyone around you know that? Do you evaluate fictional characters as if it were real life? Well ive got just the product for you! Its called JUST LEAVE . By using JUST LEAVE you can finally avoid all these peoblems. Annoyed with the story, characters, or aouthor? JUST LEAVE!! And whats more??? It is completelly free!! Order now and you too will be able to JUST LEAVE instead of being a bother to everyone around you!