Someone December 26, 2020 11:24 pm

So I’m just rereading the whole shit again and I came to this chapter and I always wondered why Asami got angry at what Aki said can someone explain please?

    Lovable December 26, 2020 11:54 pm

    Which chapter or page??? Pls link it we'll help you

    Someone December 26, 2020 11:58 pm
    Which chapter or page??? Pls link it we'll help you Lovable

    Omg!!! I’m sorry I completely forgot
    here thanks a lot for helping

    MrsTakaba December 27, 2020 2:22 am

    Sorry if this ends up getting posted a hundred times, Mangago has been giving me a real good time trying to post comments today.

    So Asami is acting out of insecurity here, at this point of the story.

    He senses consistent reluctance on Akihito's part in their relationship and he wants (needs) Akihito to commit to him willingly and voluntarily. We know that this is not happening easily for a variety of reasons: the problematic way their relationship began; the power discrepancy between them; Akihito's moral conundrum as to whether he can be with someone who stands for everything he fights against; and, lastly, Akihito's own insecurities (he questions whether he is good enough for Asami and his glamorous, monied world). Ultimately, Akihito does not want to lose himself and be subsumed by the larger-than-life, controlling Asami, even though we know that he returns Asami's feelings. All this has played into Akihito's resistance to the relationship.

    Asami's primary response to this resistance is one of insecurity: he holds on as tightly as possible to Akihito. He comes on strong and overbearing, saying things like "your freedom is my hands" and moving Akihito's stuff to the penthouse without permission. He knows he is doing this precisely because Akihito won't come to him willingly.

    However, this just yields more resistance from Akihito, who understandably feels compelled to point out that Asami may as well keep him under lock and key - a sentiment which is essentially the opposite of what Asami wants and needs to hear. Akihito doesn't realise he is hitting Asami where it hurts. And Asami, well... He gets mad.

    hmm December 27, 2020 3:55 am
    Sorry if this ends up getting posted a hundred times, Mangago has been giving me a real good time trying to post comments today.So Asami is acting out of insecurity here, at this point of the story.He senses co... MrsTakaba

    WOAH bro can you write my LA essay, you've got some mad skills man

    Lucullus December 27, 2020 7:56 am
    WOAH bro can you write my LA essay, you've got some mad skills man hmm

    Asami is really bad at expressing his feelings or even understanding them. And even more so at admitting to himself that he is in love with Akihito. He pretends to others and to himself that this is a question of controlling the other, that Akihito is his OWN and that he will erase any opposition. And he does it in his Alpha-male-attitude out of his own inability to understand himself better or to admit into this being about love in fact

    Florine December 27, 2020 8:49 am
    Sorry if this ends up getting posted a hundred times, Mangago has been giving me a real good time trying to post comments today.So Asami is acting out of insecurity here, at this point of the story.He senses co... MrsTakaba

    Very well written. People often ask about this page but to actually explain it fully, one would have to look further back even before Akihito left the house for 3 days, like what you wrote. The problem was always there under the surface but had started escalating after Akihito saw Sudou with Asami and started acting dodgy towards Asami and avoiding looking into his eyes and this chapter shows the moment when Asami’s insecurities cracked and came out full force.

    MrsTakaba December 27, 2020 9:18 am
    Asami is really bad at expressing his feelings or even understanding them. And even more so at admitting to himself that he is in love with Akihito. He pretends to others and to himself that this is a question ... Lucullus

    Agreed! I think Asami's controlling, heavy-handed behaviour is what he resorts to because he can't fathom his own feelings, let alone show them. He gets confused and insecure when Akihito rejects him, but his knee-jerk response is to quash these vulnerable feelings and take control in true alpha crime-lord fashion.

    I really love the frames where you see little glimpses of Asami's real, unacknowledged vulnerability when it comes to Akihito: him clinging to Akihito's hand after their encounter at Club Sion way back; him panicking in the lead up to rescuing Akihito in Macau; the look on his face when Akihito is brought back after running away, and then him standing in the shower looking pensive and preoccupied afterwards. We get so little access into Asami's inner thoughts that when we do it's like gold.

    At what point do you think Asami admitted to himself that he loved Akihito? I've seen it argued that it was when he went to retrieve Akihito from Macau.

    Lucullus December 27, 2020 9:30 am
    Agreed! I think Asami's controlling, heavy-handed behaviour is what he resorts to because he can't fathom his own feelings, let alone show them. He gets confused and insecure when Akihito rejects him, but his k... MrsTakaba

    I think it was around that time (when he got him back from HongKong/the casino ship). At first he might still have believed or pretended that he was just getting back what he thought belonged to him, but he gradually started to realize that there was more to this.

    We see him loose his cool altogether when he shoots Mikhail's man and not because of some item stolen for him, but because he is sick of fear for the one he loves.

    I also think that having to face Fei Long and their history did some part, as Asami might have realized how he screwed up seven years back BECAUSE he had not been able to understand his own feelings.

    (And NO before anybody gets all ballistic again I am not speaking of romantic love!!!!) BUT he cared for Fei Long - enough to screw up his job and reputation by shooting the man who was his employer to save Fei Long - instead of just walking out of there.

    That he did not realize soon enough how he did care for Fei Long was the reason why the whole situation slipped from his hands - that and the fact that everybody underestimated Yan's madness.

    Having to revisit what happened then in his memory and the results of hit, might have triggered in Asami the ability to realize that he was NOW indeed not only caring but in love and that he needed to make sure it did not slip from hands again.

    Someone December 27, 2020 9:47 am
    I think it was around that time (when he got him back from HongKong/the casino ship). At first he might still have believed or pretended that he was just getting back what he thought belonged to him, but he gra... Lucullus

    Thank u everyone all the comments were helpful!!!

    MahirF December 27, 2020 10:49 am
    Sorry if this ends up getting posted a hundred times, Mangago has been giving me a real good time trying to post comments today.So Asami is acting out of insecurity here, at this point of the story.He senses co... MrsTakaba

    So well written! I would read any of your analysis on this manga for any chapter even if it's as long as a book chapter. Please keep sharing your insights here :))

    Lacryminus December 27, 2020 5:13 pm

    Glad u ask..even though I always re-read this..I never fathom the issue of Asami being mad in this chapter. Though I get the gist of it..still can't fully understand what is the underlying meaning. Thank you for all commentors who explain extremely well. ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ regards to when Asami realise his feeling to Akihito..I agreed when some of you said it's from MACAU case. Before I never realise it until I re-read it multiple times..that I start to see smallest detail that people may disregard or unaware. First, When Asami managed to retrieve Akihito from Russian..he said that " HE'S BACK MY TAKABA AKIHITO" while they do the deed in the boat. It's MY guys!! It shows that Asami truly wants Akihito. Also, if you realise in the early of series..Asami keep calling Takaba..then after Macau series he starts to call Akihito. I don't know if translator translates their name calling accordingly as japan release but if it does..then this show the journey of Asami accepting Akihito in his life. Also, remember the front staff who works at Asami apartment..he calls Akihito as Asami when he was on the way to dispose the gun! (≧∀≦) that's all guys I wanna say

    xRin December 28, 2020 4:50 am
    Which chapter or page??? Pls link it we'll help you Lovable

    HAHAH like your reply YES WE WILL HELP U team viewfinderAHHHA

    xRin December 28, 2020 4:53 am
    Sorry if this ends up getting posted a hundred times, Mangago has been giving me a real good time trying to post comments today.So Asami is acting out of insecurity here, at this point of the story.He senses co... MrsTakaba

    wah have to like your reply ! totally to the point!!

    Anonono December 28, 2020 8:20 pm
    Asami is really bad at expressing his feelings or even understanding them. And even more so at admitting to himself that he is in love with Akihito. He pretends to others and to himself that this is a question ... Lucullus

    Asami's answer to his own emotional turmoil and inability to communicate his feelings is to go at and up Aki's ass. That's his solution to everything. lolol