istg if the upcoming chapters are about the motherfucker taku im gonna go feral whats the ...

childe ~ December 26, 2020 8:37 pm

istg if the upcoming chapters are about the motherfucker taku im gonna go feral whats the point of joohae endgame if we dont get some sweet domestic joohae moments after all these angst

    Tortugas December 26, 2020 8:52 pm

    Joowon was clad in all-white ensemble last chapter because he’s been purified and/ or martyred. Joohae has joined a monastery, so all we’re going to get is chaste and modest hand holding, shy smiles. But not too much of that, mind you. No sinful thoughts.
    Seriously the lack of joohae is ridiculous, i just don’t understand it.

    minutta December 26, 2020 10:01 pm

    we gonna get taku and his new boyfriend's story next week!!! who knows, maybe joohae will get a side story after the main story ends since, you know, they were always the side characters in taku's story <333333

    gardenfairy December 26, 2020 10:07 pm
    we gonna get taku and his new boyfriend's story next week!!! who knows, maybe joohae will get a side story after the main story ends since, you know, they were always the side characters in taku's story <333... minutta

    i am sickkkkkkk

    childe ~ December 26, 2020 10:41 pm
    we gonna get taku and his new boyfriend's story next week!!! who knows, maybe joohae will get a side story after the main story ends since, you know, they were always the side characters in taku's story <333... minutta

    guess how tired we are but...well yd been pretty biased twrds taku from the start anyways

    Angie December 26, 2020 11:26 pm
    we gonna get taku and his new boyfriend's story next week!!! who knows, maybe joohae will get a side story after the main story ends since, you know, they were always the side characters in taku's story <333... minutta

    Hahaha love this comment. You know what's funny? At this point I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest xD