I can't anymore

I_haveno_lyfe December 26, 2020 8:27 pm

I was so glad some character development was starting to show in Seungho and omg yes Nakyum started to also notice the change, have a different view, have time to at least s t a r t healing from all the shit this same Seungho did to him before- BUT NO

We have to go back to fucking square one. I thought ok Seungho will get mad and maybe attempt rape and stops bec now he is more honest about his emotions with himself. I would get it if he takes it out by locking him or breaking stuff or bad words or flat out acting like Nakyum didn't exist and tell him all the kindness he showed was a lie, but raping him /again/ surely wasn't the best thing to do as an author.

I get that Seungho's ego and his coping mechanism got him to take it out by assuring himself Nakyum is nth but a sex toy he gets to fuck and have no lingering attachments to by raping him and ruining him so he wouldn't think he treasures him, but still that defeats the purpose of the path to character development the author had paved in the previous chapters.

Nakyum won't easily recover from this, and if he forgives Seungho after JUST an apology and boohoo I was wrong I would hate this even more and would never approve of their relationship more than I do now (which is basically a not bec it is very toxic and aint getting better) so I hoped at least even with their bad start they get better together personality wise. Now it is just mindless rape to fill out the role of a yaoi manga. This is pointless. I am genuinely tired. This chapter wasn't worth the week wait.
