Here’s a snicker you know your cranky when your hungry but i understand I hate people who try to ruin what I’m reading with their logic and shit when they can simply not read it it’s that simple like people fussing over age gap they haven’t had sex yet he’s wait till he’s 18 and ren is basically 17 so touching isn’t that bad at least it’s not straight out shota but even then they could always stop reading if they didn’t like it instead of bashing shit that’s why most authors stop writing sadly ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

Fr tho its not pedophilia ppl who say it is r dumb..ren is 16 haru is 25 thts a 9 year age difference thts the age difference between my mom and dad thts not pedophilia...tho for now im not shipping haruxren tn im shipping renxamira enomona...tho i will ship hatu x ren if haru suffers just as much as ren had..if tht happens i will ship it

wtf..lmao. age gap is NOT the same as pedophilia. take this for example: a 9 year old with an 18 year old. Disgusting, right? SAME THING. that boy is a CHILD and the reason pedophilia is a thing is because your hormones and puberty affect your decision to consent, also your body hasn't finished developing so it's dangerous. its fine in my opinion in fiction as long as people know its wrong and don't let it affect real life. This right here is affecting real life by saying its not pedophilia. It is. Be aware.
helo ppls Idk why u don't understand this and ya'know Haru's character
first of all I don't know if u even read the manga bc how can I understand it just by reading it once?
let's break it down to peices but imma cut sum corners bc I'm waaay too tired n e ways
1st to I think 2nd chapter
Haru went to canada to visit his ma and his fam and yadayadayada when he came back to Japan went into a car with his pops and mom ig then BOOM car crash
fast forward a lil bit more
he's in the hospital he doesn't remember anything and bc of the car crash he probs damage his brain and got amnesia
fast forwad again
he met Ren (again) they're not having a good relationship but they got through it (STAY STRONG HAREN lol) n e ways back to the topic Ren kindly accepts Haru bc he KNOWS that he has brain damage
fast forward to where Haru was AGAIN brain damaged this is finna be a loooong train ride...
Haru hits his head, via falling off dozens of stairs, and yet again, brain damage, amnesia he forced himself through Ren with his unconcious 22(24? idk) memories and Ren ran away bc he was being forced mean who wouldn't run away lol n e ways he got injured and
memories? back
Haru? he had sinned
Ren? •-•
Hotel? trivago
ye das all I don have any braincell left I'm tired it's nearing 4 am my sleeping schedule is ruined bc of me tryna explain this to u dumb bitches who can't understand it