the fact that we finally got some character development after so many chapters just for al...

Lulu :)) December 26, 2020 5:44 pm

the fact that we finally got some character development after so many chapters just for all of it to go away

    Laibali December 26, 2020 5:50 pm

    Him realizing his feelings isnt even called character development. Thats just him feeling an emotion. This guy havent changed at all. There is nowhere the story progresses towards. Everything is the same as it was like in chapter 1. The only difference is that instead of sleeping around with different men who consent to him, seungho rapes and humiliates only nakyum .

    Lulu :)) December 26, 2020 10:24 pm
    Him realizing his feelings isnt even called character development. Thats just him feeling an emotion. This guy havent changed at all. There is nowhere the story progresses towards. Everything is the same as it ... Laibali

    pretty much