spoilers ch 99

Hye December 26, 2020 4:56 pm


im a Joowon and Haesoo fan but what the actual fuck. we have gotten so little screen time of them actually being together. the time skip jumped over them actually working out their issues, we haven't even seen them kiss and ur telling me that Taku gets half of ch 99???? what the actual fuck this is so unsatisfying. I have no idea what the author is doing, after such a long fight for Joowon and Haesoo with them having so little time together during the story I thought they would at least have a proper ending and we would get to see them understand each other and be happy but what is this shit? its like the author is still catering to Taku and I don't get it at all. im so disappointed the writing, like this is not good, this is straight up garbage.

    Tortugas December 26, 2020 5:23 pm

    Agreed. It’s almost like she’s capitulated to tiK toK group think folks, many of whom do not appear to have even read the story. I can understand her desire to capitalize on the interest for Taku, but that should be done in a separate and distinct manhua.
    I thought Joowon was supposed to be more popular in Korea, though, and that should be where the bulk of actual sales come from.

    :-) December 26, 2020 5:28 pm
    Agreed. It’s almost like she’s capitulated to tiK toK group think folks, many of whom do not appear to have even read the story. I can understand her desire to capitalize on the interest for Taku, but that ... Tortugas

    I mean Taku did have a bus for his birthday. But I hate the tiktok group so much. They keep bringing up Joowon’s past mistakes and make Taku the good guy. And when Joowon was in the hospital they were like “I wish I was there to pull joowon’s life support. They always slander Joowon but Slander Taku one time and they come for you

    Sadistae December 26, 2020 5:41 pm

    The way I hate writing this season. We don't need a spinoff on Taku (which is basically LoH) We need it on Joowon and Haesoo wtf. This chapter made me hate Taku and the author hopes I'm happy that he is okay? No, I wish a truck would run over him. He's an idiot! A horrible person! I don't care if he's happy or not when Joowon and Haesoo haven't really been happy for over a decade, the way the focus should have been on them, like! I'm "fine" now because I can do anything about it but happy that Haesoo didn't end up with this jerk, but still, it doesn't change the fact that this was rushed. Like- What can we do? I read an article for the Lezhin editors saying that Joowon is the best character in LoH and most of the praise they received in Korea came from the Joowon arc, but still ... Your focus is on Taku? No, fam. Horrible choice.

    minutta December 26, 2020 5:42 pm

    it's really stupid if you think about it lmao =))) you're setting up the ground for joohae for 3 seasons, somehow give them the least screen time, make taku to be a manipulator, and do nothing to redeem himself, but somehow he's still the focus of the story after his purpose had been achieved? nah fam, screw this. i used to buy the raws but when i saw taco as the thumbnail i just closed the window and kept my money

    Nevergrass December 26, 2020 5:59 pm
    Agreed. It’s almost like she’s capitulated to tiK toK group think folks, many of whom do not appear to have even read the story. I can understand her desire to capitalize on the interest for Taku, but that ... Tortugas

    Joowon's cover for the 2nd volume hard copy was sold out, so there's no doubt about Joowon's popularity. I don't know if it's to cater to Taku fans or because the author favors Taku or a bit of both. If so, it's truly sad that the author let Taku's fans affect their writing because I thought they cared more about writing a beautiful story but alas.

    Sadistae December 26, 2020 6:04 pm
    I mean Taku did have a bus for his birthday. But I hate the tiktok group so much. They keep bringing up Joowon’s past mistakes and make Taku the good guy. And when Joowon was in the hospital they were like �... :-)

    The way Taku's fans actually don't like Taku When they talk about him, they talk about a complete different person. He is a dude who manipulated a couple for ~aesthethics~ and was a jerk till very end. Nothing more, nothing less. Joowon slander used to get me so mad but now I just see it as delusion, TikTok can suck it. Cry about it.

    ばかみたい December 26, 2020 6:18 pm
    The way Taku's fans actually don't like Taku When they talk about him, they talk about a complete different person. He is a dude who manipulated a couple for ~aesthethics~ and was a jerk till very end. Nothing... Sadistae

    Loooool, I don't accept any TikTok criticism of Joohae. It's the same page that they're stupid enough to put mang * g * as the background and make manhwas cancel their official posts. Taku is a bad person and the worst developed character in history, his bus does not change this fact. Imagine begging for a relationship, promising there will be no bad feelings left, but then you go and wish them bad when they leave you? Naaaaaah fam. We deserve over 100 chapters with just Joowon and Haesoo after putting up with this bitch for 100 chapters.

    :-) December 26, 2020 6:25 pm
    Loooool, I don't accept any TikTok criticism of Joohae. It's the same page that they're stupid enough to put mang * g * as the background and make manhwas cancel their official posts. Taku is a bad person and t... ばかみたい

    Damn right. Taku got like 80% of the story already. We didn’t even see Haesoo and Joowon’s development of their relationship

    :-) December 26, 2020 6:27 pm
    The way Taku's fans actually don't like Taku When they talk about him, they talk about a complete different person. He is a dude who manipulated a couple for ~aesthethics~ and was a jerk till very end. Nothing... Sadistae

    He has pretty privilege. It’s so annoying. So many people refuse to read the story because of taku stans spreading false info about Joowon

    ばかみたい December 26, 2020 6:44 pm
    He has pretty privilege. It’s so annoying. So many people refuse to read the story because of taku stans spreading false info about Joowon :-)

    Pretty privilege?! The mophead?! Mmmm... No, it's victimization privilege. Idk what the authors got in the head to never punish this man.
    Joowon deserved much more compassion than him, but nevertheless, he was the one who suffered the most, that's he needed a better written conclusion but what he got? Less appereances and time skip. Ugh.

    :-) December 26, 2020 6:46 pm
    Pretty privilege?! The mophead?! Mmmm... No, it's victimization privilege. Idk what the authors got in the head to never punish this man.Joowon deserved much more compassion than him, but nevertheless, he was t... ばかみたい

    Mhm I agree

    Angie December 26, 2020 6:47 pm
    The way I hate writing this season. We don't need a spinoff on Taku (which is basically LoH) We need it on Joowon and Haesoo wtf. This chapter made me hate Taku and the author hopes I'm happy that he is okay? N... Sadistae

    I'm completely at lost tbh what author wanted to say through Taku's character.

    Sadistae December 26, 2020 7:15 pm
    I'm completely at lost tbh what author wanted to say through Taku's character. Angie

    You are a character arrogant enough to believe that you know two strangers because of a story you read in a magazine. Harrass them, get into their relationship, and feel moral enough to judge them and cast the other as the villain. When they are done, immediately beg one of them to love you because only then you'll "be okay." Make a theatrical scene based on the mental competition you created in your head when you have the ex in front of you in panic because he thinks you are playing with the love of his life, do it for the sole purpose of demonstrating your superiority. Feel jealous because you are not as special as this other person to the point that you want your romantic interest to feel bad because they do not correspond to you. Beg for a relationship even if you know that they do not love you and better, that they do not have the emotional capacity to correspond your feelings. Force them to have sex with you because you feel insecure. Compare them to candy. Be upset if they go to see their loved one in the hospital because it is your special day. Wish them bad when they break up with you and justify yourself that you are a bad person. Do all this and you will have a huge ball of fans that will justify and victimize you, you will be the most popular character and the world will say that you don't deserve to be left out.

    Angie December 26, 2020 9:02 pm
    You are a character arrogant enough to believe that you know two strangers because of a story you read in a magazine. Harrass them, get into their relationship, and feel moral enough to judge them and cast the ... Sadistae

    Lmfao it's so sad but is so true. I'm so... Disappointed. Idk I had some hope before this chapter. The story let me down so much.
    Taku's character at this point had literally NO character development. Like what was the point? He was selfish, manipulative and callous to the very end?
    And Taku's stans on Twitter glorify his actions how very human of him, how he was sincere and honest...
    Like wtf who says such things to someone they supposedly love? Especially after their agreement and Haesoo who was honest with him and rejected him in the first place.
    How can he feel so absurdly entitled? I don't understand it.

    Angie December 26, 2020 9:30 pm

    The more I think about it... I'm so mad. I paid for the story, wasted so much time...and we got this. Then I would prefer Joowon ending up with whomever and getting his own side story than what we got in the end. Everything off screen, few panels of them smiling...just no. I feel like crying. And to the very end author still paying more attention to Taku. I can't comprehend this. I just don't understand.

    minutta December 26, 2020 9:50 pm
    The more I think about it... I'm so mad. I paid for the story, wasted so much time...and we got this. Then I would prefer Joowon ending up with whomever and getting his own side story than what we got in the en... Angie

    Hey :( I get you and it's okay to feel like this! The author said there are a few chapters left, and maybe now that there's nothing more to Taku's story and his fans got closure knowing he's happy and whatever, we'll finally get some episodes that focus solely on joohae! we'll get to see some flashbacks and their day to day life as two boyfriends living together!! ik it's not exactly reassuring, but it's better than nothing!! the story isn't over yet.

    Sadistae December 26, 2020 10:12 pm
    Lmfao it's so sad but is so true. I'm so... Disappointed. Idk I had some hope before this chapter. The story let me down so much. Taku's character at this point had literally NO character development. Like what... Angie

    Taku stans, pre Chapter 99: Ah, yes. What a mature guy. He walked away from an one-sided relationship that brought him nothing but pain. Also, Taku undestood that Haesoo is in love with Joowon and only have eyes for him, he just wants his happiness... So he lets him go. King.

    Taku in chapter 99: Lol I hope that you are fucking unhappy and that you never manage to be truly okay. I hope you regret leaving me. I told you, I'm a bad person.

    Taku stans now: It's a normal reaction, like Haesoo used him lol When did Taku ever pretended to be a good person? lmao King.

    Omfg They are so embarrasing Is this really honesty, "king behaviour" or just... "Small dick" energy?

    Sadistae December 26, 2020 10:20 pm
    The more I think about it... I'm so mad. I paid for the story, wasted so much time...and we got this. Then I would prefer Joowon ending up with whomever and getting his own side story than what we got in the en... Angie

    What more can we do? :( Honestly, no matter if we didn't have it in the way we wanted to... At the end, Joowon stayed with the love of his life and became the best version of himself. Haesoo also did this and now he is not scared anymore about what can come next because he knows Joowon is there for him. Like he always did. Haesoo and Joowon are happy to the point the take the other hands in public because they just don't care anymore. I will never understand why it was necessary to put so much focus on Taku after the story was screaming he was trash but hey He is at least away from them, and they are happy... Even if Taku wished the opposite. They will be fine.

    Angie December 26, 2020 11:25 pm
    Hey :( I get you and it's okay to feel like this! The author said there are a few chapters left, and maybe now that there's nothing more to Taku's story and his fans got closure knowing he's happy and whatever,... minutta

    Thank you for your kind words <3
    Tbh my expectations are really low at this point hahaha

    Angie December 26, 2020 11:31 pm
    Taku stans, pre Chapter 99: Ah, yes. What a mature guy. He walked away from an one-sided relationship that brought him nothing but pain. Also, Taku undestood that Haesoo is in love with Joowon and only have eye... Sadistae

    Hahahahah so true. But seriously when I read their tweets I'm like... Girl what alternative universes they are creating. Why have they never acknowledged Taku's faults. Even better their change his flaws and misdeeds into positives. That's a real talent. Like most Joowon's stans don't have problem to point Jooown's wrongdoings. But nooo, Taku is just misunderstood, young boy who fell in love for the first time uwu.
    Girl imagine if Joowon said such words. They would eat him a l i v e.
    Yes I feel so embarrassed reading their posts every week. They are completely incoherent if you compare them with these from week before. And Joowon's stans are accused of poor reading comprehension...just how.
