Uke is toxic. He makes seme rape him so seme is traumatized. Consistently gets himself in ...

Scarlet Berry December 26, 2020 1:21 pm

Uke is toxic. He makes seme rape him so seme is traumatized. Consistently gets himself in trouble and almost raped to get seme stressed out over him. Doesn't report actual rape and idk why. It was already established that adding the sexual assault will give higher sentence to perp and seme already caught the other people involved so no one will bother helping perp to get revenge on seme. But uke still doesn't want to report assault? I feel that will just complicate the case even more and create plot holes and opportunities for perp to get away! I'm so confused and disappointed. This is a mess.

    Vanee December 26, 2020 3:39 pm

    how can you make someone rape you? lol

    Weeb fangrill December 26, 2020 5:25 pm

    Tf did we read diffrent stories? Cause the uke is traumatized he did it without his consent which is rape but he wanted to stay in the handcuffs to protect the main seme he didn't want to take the rape kit mainly cause HE WAS TRAUMATIZED. He was more traumatized than the main seme the main seme was just looking for him,worrying while the ikr WAS BEING PHYSICALLY AND MENTALLY TOURCHERED WTF IS YOUR PROBLEM.WHAT YOUR DOING IS LITERALLY BICTIM BLAMING WHICH IS STUPID AND WRONG (︶︿︶)=凸

    Weeb fangrill December 26, 2020 5:26 pm
    how can you make someone rape you? lol Vanee


    Weeb fangrill December 26, 2020 5:27 pm
    Tf did we read diffrent stories? Cause the uke is traumatized he did it without his consent which is rape but he wanted to stay in the handcuffs to protect the main seme he didn't want to take the rape kit main... Weeb fangrill

    Rip my grammer

    Scarlet Berry December 27, 2020 5:14 am
    Tf did we read diffrent stories? Cause the uke is traumatized he did it without his consent which is rape but he wanted to stay in the handcuffs to protect the main seme he didn't want to take the rape kit main... Weeb fangrill

    Okay. You need to calm tf down girl. I just made a comment about the confusing STORYline and mentality of the uke character. His character is full of contradictions since chapter 1 and I just don't get the supposed character development in the latest chapter. I am NOT victom blaming since in no way did I state that it was the victim's fault he got raped in the latest chapter. Although in the STORY, it WAS implied that he DID seduce the seme and got seme to "rape" him in the bathroom. I still don't get how that happened. Hence my confusion and disappointment in this messed up plot.

    Uke also said in the latest chapter that he did not want to get medical and report assault because he wants to protect seme. Which I did not understand since a few pages before that scene, seme established to perp that he can't touch him. I find this sooo confusing and the dialogues keep contradicting each other.

    Uke IS toxic judging from his character's behavior SINCE chapter 1. I did not judge him being toxic based on the recent rape scene.

    Don't forget that this IS a story and not real life. I'm commenting on plot and character development which I don't see here at all. I feel like random rape/sex scenes are just inserted without solid reason and story is just a mess in my opinion.

    donotknowmeanytime December 30, 2020 2:32 pm
    how can you make someone rape you? lol Vanee

    First time in the history.

    donotknowmeanytime December 30, 2020 2:35 pm

    Your logic does not make sense at all. Learn analogy first so you can be conherent on what you are saying.