
szezi December 26, 2020 12:13 am

I've noticed a lot of complaints about the last chapters in the comments, and I conclude that all those who wrote those complaints were hoping for a nice story with a romantic theme as its central point, and I have trouble understanding why these people had such expectations at all. It is true that Yona and Hook's relationship is an important part of the story, however, I personally believe that at the moment there are far more important issues that need to be focused on and finalized before it is possible to return to this nicer part of the story. We must not forget that what drives all the events is the incident between Soo won and Yona at the very beginning, and this is nothing that could be described as "happy and fun" and hence I do not understand the surprise of the last chapters. Does everyone count on the fact that our main heroes, blessed with the power of friendship and love, will go to the castle right away, once they will complete the entire team and defeat Soo won like that? And right after that, we will focus entirely on the love theme? First, we have to let the author settle the main plot.

In addition, I have the impression that many people have big problems with reading comprehension and are not able to grasp many factors, which later results in, for example, a complete lack of understanding towards Yona or Soo won. I think it was clearly shown to us from the very beginning how much Yona cares about protecting those who are close to her, so I don't think it's strange that she would sooner decide to carry any weight alone instead of exposing any of the dragons or Yoon or Hak, even though they are strong enough to deal with anything that might threaten them. I feel satisfaction seeing Yona's metamorphosis throughout this story.

However, when it comes to Soo won, although many people do not hide their hatred towards him, I start to like him more and more, and I think that he is becoming my favorite character. I feel sorry for Yona and that she was forced to go through a lot of hardship as a result of the crime committed by So won, but I think it would be a lie to say that Yona's father was not without blame and that it took a bad toll on the kingdom. Unlike King Il, who seemed to be blind to all the evil that covers his kingdom, and the lack of any action on his part, Soo won is currently trying to change that, working for his people tirelessly even as he is gradually devoured by disease.

Anyway, hopefully readers will focus more on the main plot instead of constantly complaining just because of the lack of love plot content, which is not even the most important part of the story so far.

    XColdAnanas December 26, 2020 12:44 am

    Preach! I said it before in a comment and imma repeat myself but what we are witnessing is basically the climax of the story, the main plot is actually moving faster since the final arc debuted more than in the past 160 chapters before, so many things meaningful happened story wise... when u think about it their adventures all around the country everyone seems to miss so much were refreshing and fun I agree, but it started to stretch out too much in my opinion.

    The main purpose of their journeys was to help Yona grow up realize how naive and sheltered she was make allies, expand her world. And all this knowledges she gained made her who she is rn, just for this moment when she come back to the Castle she flew away at the start of the story. She is now a strong women who need NO men to stand on her two feet, and really she is basically snatching the throne from Soo Won without showing effort. Even the advisor is now aware of her potential as a great leader and actually questioning where his loyalty should lie. (after all Soo Won might die soon)

    So how come some of the readers are not aware of the strength she hold now... really just like you i don’t understand the complaints here and there mostly About Yona being weak and regressing to her old self?!

    Anyway i do think the majority of the readers understand and enjoy the actual arc just, they are not so vocal about it and just stay silent and enjoy reading the story. ;)

    seokjinie January 1, 2021 6:43 am

    this !!! it's been so annoying seeing all these comments for the past months complaining about essentially there not being any major action/romance, when this arc is literally showing how mature yona's become mentally while the castle and soo-won becomes unstable.....they're not just sitting around being weak, their goal isn't to destroy kouka's nobility so they're actually being careful ?? people are being so daft