You're on a site that hosts manga translated into English only and you make your comments in Spanish...

he can express himself no matter the language and you are not in a position to judge that...
we should be more open minded and allowed oter people from other countries/langages to express if the want to..

Why am I not in a position to judge? Language is a barrier. He's on a purely 100% English website. Batoto hosts translations in other languages, but this site doesn't. If I knew enough Spanish to read translated manga on a Spanish-only host, I would write my comments there in Spanish. If I am not confident enough in my writing ability, out of respect, I would at least pair my English comment with my best Spanish translation.
Regardless of language, if someone posts in l33t sp34k or ALL CAPS, I'd also be annoyed, because they are intentionally making things difficult to read. It is a matter of respecting those who you are attempting to communicate with.

or maybe u can try to learn some spanish too lol, is not bad right?.

How would that solve *anything*? What about the hypothetical "next guy", who comments in Thai, Greek, Arabic, Hindi, Hebrew, Swahili, etc etc? I can't learn every goddamn language.
To entertain this absurd, burden-shifting notion for a moment, if I were to learn any other language, wouldn't I go with Japanese so I don't have to rely on an *English translation* website in the first place???
Que bueno que finalmente estan sacando mas mangas del manga Re Marina de los mangakas HARADA Shigemitsu y SEGUCHI Takahiro pero lo que no entiendo a que se debe que los encargados de la pagina de Mangago para actualisar los mangas se tardan dias,semanas,meses y años y mientras algunos los actualisan rapidamente a otros los tienen abandonados por meses y años enteros como los mangas que les he solicitado que ya los continuen para ver como seguira su trama y su respectivo final a demas el manga de Re Marina confunde un poco porque Marina es su esposa del chico y se supone que el se caso con la chica de anteojos cuando era niño pero se divorciaron y por lo que se ve la linea del tiempo esta inestable con tantos cambios y sucesos inesperados en otros mangas como Dragon Ball Z y DNA 2 eso siempre significaba peligro para los protagonsitas y para el resto del mundo ojala que pronto saquen el final del manga y saquen mas mangas de los mismos autores a ver que mas tienen que ofrecernos con respecto a otros mangas creados por ellos a demas seria cool que pronto el manga de Re Marina se convirtiera en una anime a futuro.